首页> 外文期刊>Bulletin fur angewandte Geologie >The challenge of Quantum Manifesto for science education: Designing a teaching module on quantum computers for secondary school students

The challenge of Quantum Manifesto for science education: Designing a teaching module on quantum computers for secondary school students

机译:Quantum Manifesto对科学教育的挑战:在中学生Quantum Computs上设计教学模块

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Among the key activities of Quantum Manifesto there is the formation of a new generation of quantum technology professionals in Europe through focused education at the intersection of different STEM and socio-economical disciplines and by strengthening public awareness of key ideas and capabilities. How can young people be guided to grasp the essence, potential and social implications of new quantum technologies? This paper presents how the research group in physics education of the University of Bologna is addressing the challenge launched by Quantum Manifesto and is approaching the issue of designing teaching materials on quantum technologies aimed to enable secondary school students to grapple with the second quantum revolution.
机译:Quantum Manifesto的关键活动中,通过在不同词干和社会经济学科的交叉口的集中教育以及加强对关键思想和能力的公众意识,形成欧洲新一代的量子技术专业人员。 年轻人如何被引导掌握新量子技术的本质,潜在和社会影响? 本文介绍了博洛尼亚大学物理教育研究小组如何解决量子宣言推出的挑战,并正在接近设计量子技术的教学资料问题,旨在使中学生能够与第二量革命努力努力。



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