首页> 外文期刊>Aquaculture >Sperm chromatin dispersion test (SCDt) for the assessment of sperm DNA fragmentation in black tiger prawn, Penaeus monodon

Sperm chromatin dispersion test (SCDt) for the assessment of sperm DNA fragmentation in black tiger prawn, Penaeus monodon

机译:精子染色质分散试验(SCDT)用于评估黑虎虾的精子DNA碎片,Penaeus Monodon

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The decapod sperm cell possesses no flagellum so that sperm evaluation has been primarily limited to the integrity of the plasma membrane and acrosome morphology. More recently, andrologists are turning to methods that are capable of assessing sperm DNA quality in an attempt to help understand infertility that cannot be explained by traditional sperm parameters. This study has successfully validated and applied a sperm chromatin dispersion test (SCDt) for the assessment of sperm DNA fragmentation of Penaeus monodon. After selecting an appropriate lysing solution, prawn sperm nuclear morphotypes were confirmed with respect to their DNA status using the two-tail comet assay. Once the SCDt methodology was established, we investigated and compared baseline levels of sperm DNA fragmentation (SDF) present in domesticated and wild male broodstock. Additionally, given that mature prawn sperm possess relatively uncondensed chromatin, the susceptibility of the nucleus to mechanical stress (vortex shearing forces) was investigated in an attempt to artificially induce sperm DNA damage. Results revealed that (1) the percentages of SDF indicated by the SCDt were strongly correlated (Pearson R-2 = 0.989; P =. 01) with those identified using the two-tailed comet assay, (2) mechanical stress associated with vortexing did not increase SDF level (P =. 76) and (3) domesticated male broodstock had a higher (P & .001) SDF level (6.8 +/- 4.5%) than that of the wild male broodstock (3.3 +/- 1.5%). This study has provided a technique that allows for the assessment of sperm DNA integrity and with further development it could be incorporated as a potential index for male prawn fertility evaluation. We propose that the SCDt can be considered as one of the male fertility parameters in the routine management of male broodstock in prawn aquaculture.
机译:脱涂细胞没有鞭毛,使得精子评估主要限于质膜的完整性和神经体形态。最近,血液学家正在转向能够评估精子DNA质量的方法,以帮助了解不受传统精子参数无法解释的不孕症。该研究已成功验证并应用了精子染色质分散试验(SCDT),用于评估Penaeus Monodon的精子DNA片段化。在选择合适的裂解溶液后,使用双尾彗星测定的DNA状态证实了虾精子核Mor型型。一旦建立了SCDT方法,我们研究并比较了驯养和野性雄性的雄性母床中存在的精子DNA碎片(SDF)的基线水平。另外,考虑到成熟的虾精子具有相对无抗体的染色质,核的敏感性试图人工诱导精子DNA损伤的试图研究。结果表明,(1)SCDT所示的SDF百分比强烈相关(Pearson r-2 = 0.989; p =。01),其中使用双尾彗星测定法鉴定的那些(2)与涡旋相关的机械应力不增加SDF水平(P = 76)和(3)驯养的雄性窝袋具有更高的(P& .001)SDF水平(6.8 +/- 4.5%)比野生雄性窝(3.3 + / - 1.5%)。本研究提供了一种技术,其允许评估精子DNA完整性并进一步发展,它可以作为雄性虾生育率评估的潜在指标。我们建议SCDT可以被认为是虾水产养殖中雄性窝床常规管理中的男性生育率参数之一。



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