首页> 外文期刊>Aquaculture >Isolation and characterization of Vibrio cholerae O139 associated with mass mortality in Penaeus monodon and experimental challenge in postlarvae of three species of shrimp

Isolation and characterization of Vibrio cholerae O139 associated with mass mortality in Penaeus monodon and experimental challenge in postlarvae of three species of shrimp


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Mass mortality in cultured postlarvae of Penaeus monodon from a farm in Ernakulam District, Kerala, India was reported. Yellow colonies from TCBS plates were randomly picked and were confirmed as Vibrio cholerae by conventional biochemical tests and 16S rRNA sequencing. The isolates were confirmed as belonging to the V. cholerae O139 serogroup, generally considered as the causative agent of cholera to humans, using an O139 serogroup-specific antiserum and by a PCR based assay targeting the rfb-O139 gene. The isolates were found to be carrying the cholera toxin producing gene, ctx, and genes coding for virulence determinants, zot and tcpA, as revealed by PCR. Shrimp larvae experimentally exposed to V. cholerae exhibited significant mortalities that increased with increasing doses of bacteria. The LD50 value of one of the isolates was determined in postlarvae of P. monodon, Fenneropenaeus indicus and Litopenaeus vannamei and ranged from 4.6 x 10(4) for L. vannamei to 7.1 x 10(6) for P. monodon. V. cholerae was re-isolated from the larvae of experimentally infected moribund shrimps. Histopathological examination revealed rupture of the basal laminae of the hepatopancreatic tubules and severe necrosis. To our knowledge, this is the first report of the V. cholerae O139 strain causing high-mortalities in shrimp. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
机译:据报道,印度喀拉拉姆州奥纳库拉姆区的农场Penaeus Monodon培养的大众死亡率。来自TCBS平板的黄色菌落被随机挑选,通过常规的生化试验和16S rRNA测序确认为弧菌霍乱。将分离物确认为属于V.Cholerae O139血清组,通常被认为是使用O139血清组特异性抗血清和靶向RFB-O139基因的PCR基数的霍乱对人类的致病剂。发现分离株携带霍乱毒素的产生基因,CTX和编码的基因,用于毒力决定簇,ZOT和TCPA,如PCR所揭示的那样。实验暴露于V.霍乱的虾幼虫表现出显着的死亡率,随着药物的增加而增加。其中一株分离物的LD50值在P.Monodon,Fenneropenaeus indumus和Litopenaeus Vannamei的Postlarvae中测定,并且为L.Vannamei的4.6×10(4)至7.1 x 10(6)用于P. Monodon。 V.霍乱从实验感染的垂死虾的幼虫重新分离出来。组织病理学检查揭示了肝癌小管的基底薄层破裂,严重坏死。据我们所知,这是V.霍乱O139菌株的第一个报告,导致虾中的高死亡率。 (c)2015 Elsevier B.v.保留所有权利。



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