首页> 外文期刊>Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology >Temporal dynamics of activated sludge bacterial communities in two diversity variant full-scale sewage treatment plants

Temporal dynamics of activated sludge bacterial communities in two diversity variant full-scale sewage treatment plants


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Bacterial community in activated sludge (AS) is diverse and highly dynamic. Little is known about the mechanism shaping bacterial community composition and dynamics of AS and no study had quantitatively compared the contribution of abiotic environmental factors and biotic associations to the temporal dynamics of AS microbial communities with significantly different diversity. In this study, two full-scale sewage treatment plants (STPs) with distinct operational parameters and influent composition were sampled biweekly over 1 year to reveal the correlating factors to whole and sub-groups of AS bacterial community diversity and dynamics. The results show that the bacterial communities of the two STPs were entirely different and correlated with the influent composition and operating configurations. Bacterial associations represented by cohesion metrics and the environmental factor temperature were the primary correlated factors to the temporal bacterial community dynamics within each STP. The STP with high diversity and evenness could treat influent with higher suspended solid and a shorter sludge retention time, and was less correlated with environmental factors, implying the importance of diversity for AS system.



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