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Resolution improvement of 3D stereo-lithography through the direct laser trajectory programming: Application to microfluidic deterministic lateral displacement device


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The vast majority of current microfluidic devices are produced using soft lithography, a technique with strong limitations regarding the fabrication of three-dimensional architectures. Additive manufacturing holds great promises to overcome these limitations, but conventional machines still lack the resolution required by most microfluidic applications. 3D printing machines based on two-photon lasers, in contrast, have the needed resolution but are too limited in speed and size of the global device. Here we demonstrate how the resolution of conventional stereolithographic machines can be improved by a direct programming of the laser path and can contribute to bridge the gap between the two above technologies, allowing the direct printing of features between 10 and 100 mm, corresponding to a large fraction of microfluidic applications. This strategy allows to achieve resolutions limited only by the physical size of the laser beam, decreasing by a factor at least 2x the size of the smallest features printable, and increasing their reproducibility by a factor 5. The approach was applied to produce an open microfluidic device with the reversible seal, integrating periodical patterns using the simple motifs, and validated by the fabrication of a deterministic lateral displacement particles sorting device. The sorting of polystyrene beads (diameter: 20 mm and 45 mm) was achieved with a specificity 95%, comparable with that achieved with arrays prepared by microlithography. (c) 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
机译:绝大多数目前的微流体装置是使用柔和的光刻制造的,这是一种具有关于制造三维架构的强烈限制的技术。添加剂制造具有巨大的承诺来克服这些限制,但常规机器仍然缺乏大多数微流体应用所需的分辨率。相比之下,基于双光子激光器的3D印刷机具有所需的分辨率,但在全球设备的速度和大小上过于有限。在这里,我们通过激光路径的直接编程来证明如何改善传统立体化机器的分辨率,并且可以有助于弥合两个上述技术之间的间隙,允许直接印刷10到100毫米之间的特征,对应于大微流体应用的分数。该策略允许仅通过激光束的物理尺寸实现限制的分辨率,减少至少2倍的尺寸可打印的最小特征的尺寸,并通过因子5增加其再现性。该方法被应用于产生开放的微流体具有可逆密封的装置,使用简单的图案对周期图案进行整合,并通过制造确定性横向位移粒子分选装置进行验证。用特异性& 95%实现聚苯乙烯珠粒(直径:20mm和45mm),与微光刻表制备的阵列相当,可比较。 (c)2017 Elsevier B.v.保留所有权利。



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