首页> 外文期刊>Agricultural Systems >The influence of system boundaries on life cycle assessment of grain production in central southeast Norway.

The influence of system boundaries on life cycle assessment of grain production in central southeast Norway.


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This study assesses the environmental impacts from production of 1 kg barley, oat and spring wheat, in central southeast Norway by means of life cycle assessment. The results were given for twelve impact categories, selected based on relevance to the system. These categories are climate change, fossil depletion, freshwater ecotoxicity, freshwater eutrophication, human toxicity, marine ecotoxicity, marine eutrophication, ozone depletion, particulate matter formation, photochemical oxidant formation, terrestrial acidification and terrestrial ecotoxicity. The assessment covers processes from cradle to farm gate, including all farm activities related to grain cultivation, as well as the production and acquisition of machinery, equipments and buildings, diesel and oil, fertilizer, lime, seeds and pesticides. In order to reveal the importance of system boundaries, factors that are included in this study and often excluded in other studies, such as machinery manufacturing, buildings, pesticide production and use, humus mineralization and NOX loss from use of mineral fertilizer were systematically individually omitted. The sensitivity of the LCA results to several selected parameters governing greenhouse gas emissions and climate change (CC) was evaluated by varying the parameters+or-50% of the default value. The assessment gave a CC impact of 0.79, 0.77 and 0.74 kg CO2-eq for production of 1 kg barley, oat and spring wheat, respectively. The choice of system boundaries were found to have great impact on the results, and CC impact was reduced by more than 40% when factors that are not commonly reported in literature were excluded. This clearly demonstrates the need of comprehensive documentation of system boundaries in order to perform meaningful comparisons of environmental impact caused by grain production under different conditions. The sensitivity analysis revealed that most of the impact categories were not particularly sensitive to the parameters selected. A 50% change in the emission factor for N2O emissions from N inputs had highest effect on CC with 11-13%. The highest overall impacts were found for the fraction of mineral fertilizer volatilized as NH3 and NOX, with 32-53% change in photochemical oxidant and particular matter formation, and terrestrial acidification impact categories.
机译:这项研究通过生命周期评估评估了挪威中南部东南部1千克大麦,燕麦和春小麦的生产对环境的影响。根据与系统的相关性选择了十二种影响类别的结果。这些类别是气候变化,化石消耗,淡水生态毒性,淡水富营养化,人类毒性,海洋生态毒性,海洋富营养化,臭氧消耗,颗粒物形成,光化学氧化剂形成,陆地酸化和陆地生态毒性。评估涵盖从摇篮到农场大门的过程,包括与谷物种植有关的所有农场活动,以及机械,设备和建筑物,柴油和石油,肥料,石灰,种子和农药的生产和购置。为了揭示系统边界的重要性,本研究中包括但在其他研究中经常排除的因素,例如机械制造,建筑物,农药的生产和使用,腐殖质矿化和NO X 系统地分别消除了因使用矿物肥料而造成的损失。 LCA结果对控制温室气体排放和气候变化(CC)的几个选定参数的敏感性通过更改参数+或默认值的50%进行评估。评估得出,每生产1公斤大麦,燕麦和春小麦,CC效应分别为0.79、0.77和0.74 kg CO 2 eq。发现系统边界的选择对结果有很大影响,当排除文献中不经常报道的因素时,CC影响降低了40%以上。这清楚地表明需要全面记录系统边界,以便对不同条件下谷物生产对环境的影响进行有意义的比较。敏感性分析表明,大多数影响类别对所选参数不是特别敏感。 N输入中N 2 O排放的排放因子变化50%对CC的影响最大,为11-13%。总的影响最大的是挥发到NH 3 和NO X 的矿物肥料部分,光化学氧化剂的变化为32-53%以及特定的物质形成和陆地酸化影响类别。



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