首页> 外文期刊>American Journal of Physiology >Cardiac autonomic regulation during hypoxic exercise

Cardiac autonomic regulation during hypoxic exercise


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autonomic nervous system regulation of the heart and vascu-lature plays a key role in enabling the tight coupling between oxygen consumption of exercising skeletal muscles and oxygen delivery. The withdrawal of cardiac parasympathetic nerve activity and elevation in cardiac sympathetic nerve activity facilitate the exercise intensity-dependent increase in heart rate, ventricular contractility, stroke volume, and cardiac output (5). Robinson et al. (10) laid the foundations for the present understanding of cardiac autonomic regulation in exercising humans with the demonstration that administration of atropine (to block cholinergic muscarinic receptors) markedly diminishes elevations in heart rate only during low-to-moderate intensity dynamic exercise, whereas administration of propran-olol (to block beta-adrenergic receptors) principally attenuates the cardiac acceleration during strenuous dynamic exercise. In the current issue of the American Journal of Physiology-Heart and Circulatory Physiology, Siebenmann et al. (12) use a similar methodological approach to provide new insights into cardiac autonomic regulation during hypoxic exercise in humans.
机译:心脏和血管提升的自主神经系统调节在使缺氧与氧气递送之间的氧气消耗之间的紧密耦合来说起着关键作用。心脏副交感神经活性和心脏同情神经活性的升高促进了心率,心室收缩性,中风体积和心输出(5)的运动强度依赖性增加。罗宾逊等人。 (10)奠定了本发明的基础,了解心脏自主监管,以促进人类的示范,即施用阿托品(阻断胆碱能毒蕈碱受体)只在低于中等强度动态运动期间显着减少心率升高,而管理普萘洛尔(对β-肾上腺素能受体)主要衰减在剧烈动态运动期间的心脏加速度。在美国生理心脏病和循环生理学杂志的当前问题中,Siebenmann等人。 (12)使用类似的方法方法,为人类缺氧运动期间的心脏自主调节提供新的见解。



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