首页> 外文期刊>American Journal of Physiology >Assessment and comparison of left ventricular shear in normal and situsinversus totalis hearts by means of magnetic resonance tagging

Assessment and comparison of left ventricular shear in normal and situsinversus totalis hearts by means of magnetic resonance tagging


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Situs inversus totalis (SIT) ischaracterized by complete mirroring of gross cardiac anatomy andposition combined with an incompletely mirrored myofiber arrange-ment, being normal at the apex but inverted at the base of the leftventricle (LV). This study relates myocardial structure to mechanicalfunction by analyzing and comparing myocardial deformation pat-terns of normal and SIT subjects, focusing especially on circumfer-ential-radial shear. In nine control and nine SIT normotensive humansubjects, myocardial deformation was assessed from magnetic reso-nance tagging (MRT) image sequences of five LV short-axis slices.During ejection, no significant difference in either circumferentialshortening (EcC) or its axial gradient (AEcC) is found between corre-sponding LV levels in control and SIT hearts. Circumferential-radialshear (ecr) has a clear linear trend from apex-to-base in controls, whilein SIT it hovers close to zero at all levels. Torsion as well as axialchange in Ecr (Aecl) is as in controls in apical sections of SIT hearts butdeviates significantly towards the base, changing sign close to the LVequator. Interindividual variability in torsion and Aecr values is higherin SIT than in controls. Apex-to-base trends of torsion and Aecr in SIT,changing sign near the LV equator, further substantiate a structuraltransition in myofiber arrangement close to the LV equator itself.Invariance of ecc and Aecc patterns between controls and SIT subjectsshows that normal LV pump function is achieved in SIT despitepartial mirroring of myocardial structure leading to torsional and shearpatterns that are far from normality.
机译:SITUS Inversus TOMITIS(SIT)通过完整的心脏解剖学安提斯的完整镜像,与一个不完全镜像的肌纤维排列相结合,在顶点处正常,但在左侧左道(LV)的底部倒置。本研究通过分析和比较正常的心肌变形PAT-TERN,尤其是在潮周侧射线剪切上的微囊变形PAT-TERS来实现心肌结构。在九个控制和九个坐标上,从五个LV短轴切片的磁共流标签(MRT)图像序列评估了心肌变形。挤出,圆周慢化(ECC)或其轴向梯度没有显着差异(AECC )在控制和坐心的CORRE赞助的LV水平之间被发现。周向 - 放射线(ECR)具有从控制中的顶点到基础的清晰线性趋势,而静置在各个级别悬停在零接近零。 ECR(AECL)中的扭转以及AxialChange在Sit Hearts的顶端部分的控制中,靠近LVEQUATOR的近距离变化。扭转和AECR值中的细分变异性高于控制。坐在LV赤道附近的扭转和AECR的顶点到基础趋势,在LV赤道附近改变符号,进一步证实了靠近LV赤道本身的MyoFiber布置中的结构.COC和AECC模式之间的控制和坐在正常LV泵功能的主题坐在坐标镜像的心肌结构中实现,导致远离正常性的扭转和剪切图案。



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