首页> 外文期刊>Agricultural Water Management >Phosphorus and sediment loading to surface waters from liquid swine manure application under different drainage and tillage practices.

Phosphorus and sediment loading to surface waters from liquid swine manure application under different drainage and tillage practices.


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Phosphorus (P) and sediment can move from agricultural land to surface waters, deteriorating its quality. This study was undertaken to improve understanding of partitioning of P and sediment to surface water via overland runoff and underground drainage pathways, and identify control measures. Over two full years, and including important winter events, P and sediment load overland and through tile were quantified from micro-catchments with relevant drainage and management practices imposed. Crop nutrients were supplied by liquid swine manure, either injected under minimum tillage management or surface-applied and incorporated under conventional till. Winters were temporally important for loadings from both runoff and drainage tile, particularly during rain on snow. A single event of 50 mm rain on snow over 2 days contributed more than 80% of the Pdop (dissolved organic+particulate P) and sediment that moved overland, and contributed 28% of Pdop and 20% of the sediment that moved through drainage tile during that season. Loads of P and sediment in both overland runoff and tile drainage were greater in non-growing seasons (NGSs) than growing seasons (GSs). For example, loading overland averaged 0.14 kg ha-1 dissolved reactive phosphate (DRP) and 1551 kg ha-1 sediment in NGSs, and 0.04 kg ha-1 DRP and 42 kg ha-1 sediment in GSs (four catchments, two seasons, runoff DRP first GS only). Through drainage tile, DRP load averaged 0.08 kg ha-1 in NGSs and 0.01 kg ha-1 in GSs from one field, A, and 0.02 kg ha-1 in NGSs and 0.003 kg ha-1 in GSs from another field, B; Pdop load was 0.07 kg ha-1 in NGSs and 0.02 kg ha-1 in GSs, similar from both Fields A and B; and sediment load was 23 kg ha-1 in NGSs from Field A, 8 kg ha-1 in NGSs from Field B, and 2 kg ha-1 in GSs from both fields. It is therefore important to manage movement during NGSs, particularly when runoff occurs over frozen soil. Movement through drainage tile comprised 31, 24 and 16% of the overland+subsurface DRP, total P (Pt) and sediment loads, respectively. Presence or type (blind inlet or hickenbottom) of surface inlet had little impact on P and sediment loading. Artificial drainage reduced overland+subsurface load to surface water to one-third for Pt and one-tenth for sediment, and is therefore a suitable strategy for controlling both P and turbidity in surface water. Overland+subsurface DRP load was unchanged by artificial drainage. Preferential flow of liquid swine manure to drainage tile only occurred with injection, in the year the drains were installed, in one of two fields. Along with being infrequent, the incidental DRP load through tile drains comprised only 2% of the annual Pt load from the catchment. The associated minimum tillage system reduced overland Pt and sediment runoff load 3- and 6-fold, respectively, relative to conventional till with broadcast incorporated manure.
机译:磷(P)和沉积物会从农田转移到地表水,从而降低其质量。进行这项研究的目的是增进对通过陆上径流和地下排水路径将磷和沉积物分配到地表水中的认识,并确定控制措施。在包括重要冬季事件在内的整整两年的时间里,通过实施相关的排水和管理措施,从微型集水区量化了陆上和通过瓷砖的磷和泥沙负荷。作物养分由液态猪粪提供,可以在最小耕作管理下注入或表面施肥,然后在常规耕作下掺入。冬天对于径流和排水瓦的荷载在时间上很重要,特别是在下雨雪时。在2天的积雪中发生了一次50毫米的降雨,其中超过80%的P dop (溶解的有机+颗粒P)和沉积物向陆上移动,贡献了28%的P 多巴和该季节中通过排水瓦移动的沉积物的20%。在非生长季节(NGS),陆上径流和瓷砖排水中磷和泥沙的负荷均大于生长季节(GS)。例如,NGS的陆上平均装载量为0.14 kg ha -1 溶解性活性磷酸盐(DRP)和1551 kg ha -1 沉积物,而0.04 kg ha -1 GSs中的 DRP和42 kg ha -1 沉积物(四个集水区,两个季节,径流DRP仅位于GS中)。通过排水瓦,来自一个场A的NGS中DRP负载平均为0.08 kg ha -1 ,而GSs中DRP负载平均为0.01 kg ha -1 -0.02 kg ha - NGS中的1 和另一场B中的0.003 kg ha -1 在NGS中,P dop 负荷为0.07 kg ha -1 ,而在GS中为0.02 kg ha -1 ,与A和B场相似;田A的NGS中的泥沙负荷为23 kg ha -1 ,田B的NGS中的泥沙负荷为8 kg ha -1 ,2 kg ha -1 < / sup>在两个字段的GS中。因此,重要的是要在NGS期间管理运动,尤其是在冻土上发生径流时。通过排水瓦的运动分别占陆上+地下DRP,总P(P t )和沉积物负荷的31%,24%和16%。表面入口的存在或类型(盲入口或底部)对磷和沉积物的负荷影响很小。人工排水将P t 的地表水的地面+地下负荷减少到三分之一,沉积物减少到十分之一,因此是控制P和地表浊度的合适策略。通过人工排水,陆上+地下DRP负荷不变。在安装排水沟的那一年,在两个场之一中,液体猪粪优先流向排水瓦。除了很少,通过排水沟的偶然DRP负载仅占集水区每年P t 负载的2%。相关的最小耕作制度使陆面P t 和泥沙径流负荷分别降低了3倍和6倍,相对于常规耕作法。



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