首页> 外文期刊>American Journal of Physiology >Exercise early in life in rats born small does not normalize reductions in skeletal muscle PGC-la in adulthood

Exercise early in life in rats born small does not normalize reductions in skeletal muscle PGC-la in adulthood


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We have previously shown that 4 wk of exercise training early in life normalizes the otherwise greatly reduced pancreatic β-cell mass in adult male rats horn small. The aim of the current study was to determine whether a similar normalization in adulthood of reduced skeletal muscle mitochondrial biogenesis markers and alterations in skeletal muscle lipids of growth-restricted male rats occurs following early exercise training. Bilateral uterine vessel ligation performed on day 18 of gestation resulted in Restricted offspring born small (P < 0.05) compared with both sham-operated Controls and a sham-operated Reduced litter group. Offspring remained sedentary or underwent treadmill running from 5-9 (early exercise) or 20-24 (later exercise) wk of age. At 24 wk of age, Restricted and Reduced litter offspring had lower (P < 0.05) skeletal muscle peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor γ coactivator-1α (PGC-la) protein expression compared with Control offspring. Early exercise training had the expected effect of increasing skeletal muscle markers of mitochondrial biogenesis, but, at this early age (9 wk), there was no deficit in Restricted and Reduced litter skeletal muscle mitochondrial biogenesis. Unlike our previous observations in pancreatic β-cell mass, there was no "reprogramming" effect of early exercise on adult skeletal muscle such that PGC-la was lower in adult Restricted and Reduced litter offspring irrespective of exercise training. Later exercise training increased mitochondrial biogenesis in all groups. In conclusion, although the response to exercise training remains intact, early exercise training in rats born small does not have a reprogramming effect to prevent deficits in skeletal muscle markers of mitochondrial biogenesis in adulthood.
机译:我们之前已经表明,生活中早期4只运动训练正常化成年雄性大鼠角中的胰腺β-细胞块。目前研究的目的是确定早期运动训练后,在早期运动训练后发生骨骼肌线粒体模型生物生物发生标志物和骨骼肌脂质的骨骼肌脂质的改变是否存在类似的正常化。在妊娠的第18天进行双侧子宫血管结扎导致限制后代突出(P <0.05),与假手术控制和假手术减少的垃圾组相比。后代仍然久坐不动或接受跑步机,从5-9(早期运动)或20-24(后来锻炼)WK年龄。在24周龄,限制和减少的垃圾子孙后代(P <0.05)骨骼肌过氧化物体增殖剂活化受体γ共粘膜-1α(PGC-LA)蛋白表达与对照后代相比。早期运动培训具有增加线粒体生物发生的骨骼肌标记的预期效果,但在这个休眠期(9周),限制性和垃圾骨骼肌线粒体生物粒子生物粒细胞生物粒子生物粒子生物发生没有缺陷。与我们之前的胰腺β细胞质量的观察不同,早期运动对成年骨骼肌的影响没有“重新编程”对成年人限制和减少垃圾后代的PGC-La,而不管运动训练如何降低。后来运动培训在所有群体中增加了线粒体生物组织。总之,尽管对运动培训的反应仍然完好无损,但出生的大鼠的早期运动培训没有重新编程效应,以防止在成年期的线粒体生物发生的骨骼肌标记中的缺陷。



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