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Anesthesia for pars plana vitrectomy with insulin needle, is it possible?


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Peribulbar block is commonly used for ocular posterior segment surgery. This work aimed to compare the efficacy of using 12.5 mm to 25 mm standard needle length in performing single injection peribulbar block for retinal surgery. Peribulbar block was performed in 120 patients using either standard 25 mm or 12.5 mm 30 G needle (insulin needle). While applying digital pressure around the needle hub, 810 mL of local anesthetic are injected. Ocular movement was assessed at 5 and 10 min using simple akinesia score (08). If after 10 min score was >1, supplementary injection was given. Visual analogue scale (010) was used at the end of the procedure to assess surgeons' satisfaction and patients' intraoperative pain. No differences in akinesia score at 5 & 10 min (P = 0.34 and 0.36, resp.). Initial volume injected was comparable between groups (P = 0.31), however total volume of local anesthesia and supplementary injections were significantly higher in 12.5 mm group (P = 0.03 and 0.01, resp.). No difference as regard surgeons' satisfaction and patients' intraoperative pain (P = 1.0 and 0.18, resp.). Peribulbar block with 12.5 mm needle together with digital compression is a suitable alternative to the standard block with 25 mm needle length for retinal surgery.
机译:眼球周围阻滞通常用于眼后节手术。这项工作旨在比较使用12.5毫米至25毫米标准针长在进行视网膜手术的单次眼球周围封闭术中的疗效。使用标准的25 mm或12.5 mm 30 G针头(胰岛素针头)对120例患者进行了眼球周围阻滞。在针头接口周围施加数字压力的同时,注入810 mL局部麻醉剂。使用简单的运动障碍评分(08)评估5和10分钟时的眼球运动。如果10分钟后评分> 1,则进行补充注射。手术结束时使用视觉模拟量表(010)评估外科医生的满意度和患者术中的疼痛。在5分钟和10分钟时运动能力评分无差异(分别为P = 0.34和0.36)。两组之间的初始注射量相当(P = 0.31),但是在12.5 mm组中局部麻醉和补充注射的总体积明显更高(P = 0.03和0.01)。外科医生的满意度和患者的术中疼痛无差异(分别为P = 1.0和0.18)。 12.5毫米针头的眼球周围阻滞配合数字压缩是视网膜手术标准针头长度为25毫米的标准替代。



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