首页> 外文期刊>Acta Horticulturae >Cultivar susceptibility and stress hormone response in raspberry [Rubusideaus) to two-spotted spider mite (Tetranychus urticae)

Cultivar susceptibility and stress hormone response in raspberry [Rubusideaus) to two-spotted spider mite (Tetranychus urticae)


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The two-spotted spider mite (Tetranychus urticae) is a common pest on raspberry (Rubus ideaus), especially when cultivated under cover. In three experiments we studied susceptibility to spider mite in six raspberry cultivars: 'Carmina', 'Esperanza', 'Maravilla', 'Polka', 'Riviera' and 'Tulameen'. Individual leaves of long cane plants were inoculated with 10 spider mites. The first two experiments showed the lowest number of spider mites on 'Carmina' and 'Riviera' and the highest on 'Polka' and 'Maravilla'. In the third experiment the lowest number of mites were found on 'Carmina' and the highest number on 'Tulameen' and 'Polka'. Two raspberry cultivars: 'Carmina' (resistant) and 'Maravilla' (more susceptible) were chosen to study the response of stress hormones upon spider mite infestation. Both cultivars were grown as a dense crop in a greenhouse and inoculated with spider mites to establish one treatment with high infestation and one with low infestation. During four weeks, number of mites (adults, nymphs, larvae and eggs) were counted and leaf samples were taken for LC-MS/MS analysis of the stress hormones salicylic acid (SA) and jasmonic acid (JA). Leaf samples taken at the start of the experiment (week 0) served as a control before infestation. For both genotypes and for both infestation levels, the concentrations of SA did not differ significantly either before or after infestation. Notably, the JA concentrations dropped in both cultivars and for both infestation levels, to levels up to tentimes lower at 7 days post inoculation (dpi). Only in 'Maravilla' the level of JA increased again at 28 dpi in the low and high infestation level, although only in the high infestation level spider mite numbers were decreasing. It is known that JA levels often increase as a response to herbivores like spider mites. However, spider mites also can interfere with the stress response in the plant by influencing stress hormone levels. Therefore it is probable that for the tested raspberry cultivars the decrease of the JA levels is due to defence suppression caused by the spider mites.
机译:双斑点的蜘蛛螨(Tetranychus urticae)是覆盆子(卷曲思想)上的常见害虫,特别是在覆盖下栽培时。在三个实验中,我们研究了六个覆盆子品种的蜘蛛螨的易感性:'Carmina','esperanza','Maravilla','Polka','Riviera'和'Tulameen'。用10个蜘蛛螨接种长甘蔗植物的个体叶子。前两个实验表明,“Carmina”和“Riviera”和“波尔卡”和“马拉瓦”上最高的蜘蛛螨数。在第三个实验中,在'carmina'和'tulameen'和'polka'上的最高数量找到了最低数量的螨虫。两种覆盆子品种:'Carmina'(抗性)和'马拉维拉'(更容易受到影响),以研究压力激素对蜘蛛螨灭绝的反应。在温室中,两种品种都被茂密的作物生长,并用蜘蛛螨接种,以建立高侵扰的一次治疗,并且一种侵扰低。在四周内,计算螨虫(成人,若虫,幼虫和鸡蛋),并考虑叶样品的LC-MS / MS分析水杨酸(SA)和茉莉酸(JA)。在实验开始时(第0周)拍摄的叶样品用作侵扰前的控制。对于两种基因型和渗透水平,SA的浓度在侵扰之前或之后没有显着差异。值得注意的是,JA浓度在栽培品种和侵扰水平下降,在接种后7天内降低速度降低(DPI)。只有在“马拉维拉”的水平中只有28 dpi在低温和高的侵扰水平中再次增加,尽管只有在高侵染水平蜘蛛螨数下降都会降低。众所周知,JA水平通常随着对草食虫的反应而增加。然而,蜘蛛螨也可以通过影响胁迫激素水平干扰植物中的应力响应。因此,对于测试的覆盆子栽培品种,JA水平的降低是由于蜘蛛螨引起的防御抑制。



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