首页> 外文期刊>Current Science: A Fortnightly Journal of Research >Potential of RISAT-1 SAR data in detecting palaeochannels in parts of the Thar Desert, India

Potential of RISAT-1 SAR data in detecting palaeochannels in parts of the Thar Desert, India

机译:Risat-1 SAR数据检测Palaeochannels在印度的塔尔沙漠部分中的数据

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In the present study, we have demonstrated the potential of RISAT-1 Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) data to detect palaeochannels in parts of Thar Desert, India, which may be utilized as one of the guides of geoarchaeological exploration, besides forming groundwater prospective zones. Palaeochannels have been detected using RISAT-1 SAR MRS datasets in the southern parts of Jaisalmer and northeastern parts of Barmer districts, Rajasthan. These palaeochannels of length varying between 14 and 36 km and width varying between 20 and 65 m are present within parabolic sand dune complexes. Palaeochannels have been detected as distinct dark tone on RISAT-1 SAR data compared to feeble expression on corresponding LANDSAT-OLI FCC datasets. This is due to sand-filled valleys, acting as radar smooth surface and absorbing the radar energy with negligible backscatter and enhanced topography due to side-looking capability of RISAT-1 SAR. High-resolution Cartosat DEM has been utilized to prepare topographical profiles, supporting the geomorphological interpretation. Merging of RISAT-1 SAR and LANDSAT ETM datasets using PCA techniques led to enhancements of palaeochannels on merged FCC data products. Like polarization of RISAT-1, SAR data could further enhance and aid in detecting palaeochannels. The entire region was flooded in August 2006 and water had flown through these palaeochannels, which subsequently dried up and facilitated their easy detection; they are otherwise difficult to interpret using pre-flood images. Analysis of sequential post-flood images has been taken up for detailed study of the area, as there is scope to detect additional hitherto unknown palaeochannels.
机译:在本研究中,除了形成地下水期外,我们已经证明了Risat-1合成孔径雷达(SAR)数据的潜力,以检测古兰沙地区的部分地区的PalaeoChannels。 。皇宫已经使用Risat-1 SAR MRS DataSets在Jaisalmer和Barmer区东北部,拉贾斯坦邦的东北部门进行了检测。这些长度在抛物面沙丘配合物中存在的长度为14至36 km和宽度之间的宽度,在20至65米之间存在。与相应的Landsat-Oli FCC数据集上的虚弱表达相比,Palaeochannels被检测为Risat-1 SAR数据的不同暗音。这是由于砂砂谷,充当雷达光滑表面并吸收雷达能量,具有可忽略的后散,并且由于Risat-1 SAR的侧视能力而增强的地形。高分辨率CARTOSAT DEM已被利用来制定地形型材,支持地貌解释。使用PCA技术的Risat-1 SAR和LANDSAT ETM数据集的合并导致PalaeoChannels对合并的FCC数据产品的增强功能。与Risat-1的极化一样,SAR数据可以进一步增强和帮助检测古人。整个地区于2006年8月淹没,水已经飞过了这些古希腊菜,随后干涸并促进了他们的易于检测;否则难以使用预洪水图像来解释。对该地区的详细研究已经采取了序贯后洪水图像的分析,因为迄今为止迄今为止未知的Palaeochnels的范围。



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