首页> 外文期刊>Birth defects research, Part A. Clinical and molecular teratology >Dietary methionine intake and neural tube defects in Mexican-American women.

Dietary methionine intake and neural tube defects in Mexican-American women.


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BACKGROUND: Nutrients other than maternal folic acid are also thought to play a role in preventing neural tube defects (NTDs). Evidence suggests that methionine interacts with folic acid and vitamin B(12) in the methylation of contractile proteins involved in closing the neural folds. The role of dietary intake of methionine in NTD risk has not been specifically studied among Mexican Americans, a population with one of the highest prevalences of NTDs in the United States. METHODS: We conducted a case-control study of 184 Mexican American women with NTD-affected pregnancies (case women) and 225 women with normal offspring (control women) who resided along the Texas-Mexico border. The average daily intakes of methionine were calculated from periconceptional food frequency questionnaire data. Women were categorized according to quartiles of daily methionine intake, based on the control mothers' distribution, and the risk for an NTD-affected pregnancy was calculated using the lowest quartile of intake as the referent. RESULTS: With adjustment for income, body mass index, hyperinsulinemia, and diarrhea, the odds ratios for increasing quartile of methionine intake were: 0.95 (95% confidence interval [CI], 0.48,1.90), 0.92 (95% CI, 0.46,1.84), and 0.66 (95% CI, 0.30,1.45). Some evidence of interaction between dietary methionine and serum vitamin B(12) was noted particularly at higher levels of both components. CONCLUSIONS: This study was limited by a small sample size but examined this association in an exclusively Hispanic population. Results were suggestive of a potential protective effect for NTDs with increasing maternal dietary methionine intake.
机译:背景:除母体叶酸外的营养素也被认为在预防神经管缺损(NTD)中起作用。有证据表明,蛋氨酸与叶酸和维生素B(12)相互作用,参与关闭神经折叠的收缩蛋白的甲基化。饮食中蛋氨酸在NTD风险中的作用尚未在墨西哥裔美国人中进行专门研究,墨西哥裔美国人是NTD患病率最高的人群之一。方法:我们进行了一项病例对照研究,研究对象为居住在德克萨斯州-墨西哥边境的184名墨西哥裔妇女(受NTD感染)(案例妇女)和225名正常子孙后代妇女(对照妇女)。蛋氨酸的平均每日摄入量是从围孕期食物频率问卷调查数据中计算得出的。根据每日平均蛋氨酸摄入量的四分位数,根据对照母亲的分布情况对妇女进行分类,并以摄入量最低的四分位数为参考值,计算出受NTD影响的妊娠风险。结果:在调整收入,体重指数,高胰岛素血症和腹泻后,蛋氨酸摄入量增加四分位数的几率是:0.95(95%置信区间[CI],0.48、1.90),0.92(95%CI,0.46, 1.84)和0.66(95%CI,0.30,1.45)。饮食蛋氨酸和血清维生素B(12)之间相互作用的一些证据尤其在两种成分的含量较高的情况下都得到了注意。结论:本研究受到小样本量的限制,但仅在西​​班牙裔人群中检查了这种关联。结果表明,随着母亲饮食蛋氨酸摄入量的增加,NTDs可能具有保护作用。



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