首页> 外文期刊>Anesthesiology >Efficacy and safety of melatonin as an anxiolytic and analgesic in the perioperative period: a qualitative systematic review of randomized trials.

Efficacy and safety of melatonin as an anxiolytic and analgesic in the perioperative period: a qualitative systematic review of randomized trials.


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Melatonin possesses sedative, hypnotic, analgesic, antiinflammatory, antioxidative, and chronobiotic properties that distinguish it as an attractive alternative premedicant. A qualitative systematic review of the literature concerning the perioperative use of melatonin as an anxiolytic or analgesic in adult patients was carried out using the recommended guidelines provided by the Cochrane Handbook for Systematic Reviews of Interventions. Nine of the 10 studies showed statistically significant reduction of preoperative anxiety with melatonin premedication compared with placebo. An opioid-sparing effect or reduced pain scores were evident in five studies whereas three studies were contradictory. Thus, melatonin premedication is effective in ameliorating preoperative anxiety in adults, but its analgesic effects remain controversial in the perioperative period. Additional well designed randomized controlled trials are necessary to compare melatonin premedication with other pharmacological interventions, investigate its effect on more varied surgical populations, and to delineate its optimal dosing regimen.
机译:褪黑素具有镇静,催眠,止痛,抗炎,抗氧化和促时变作用的特性,使其成为有吸引力的替代前药。使用《 Cochrane系统干预评论手册》提供的推荐指南,对成年患者围手术期使用褪黑激素作为抗焦虑药或镇痛药的文献进行了定性的系统评价。 10项研究中的9项显示,与安慰剂相比,褪黑素类药物的术前焦虑降低有统计学意义。在五项研究中,阿片类药物的保留效果或疼痛评分降低是明显的,而三项研究却是矛盾的。因此,褪黑激素的前药可有效缓解成人的术前焦虑,但其围术期的镇痛作用仍存在争议。必须进行其他设计良好的随机对照试验,以比较褪黑激素的药物治疗与其他药理干预措施,研究其对更多不同手术人群的影响以及确定其最佳给药方案。



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