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Dr. David Crary's Calling Card.

机译:David Crary博士的电话卡。

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The calling card (above, courtesy of the Wood Library-Museum) features an oval-cut photoportrait pasted to card stock with calligraphy in black ink reading “David Crary, M.D./Hartford, Conn.” After graduating in 1834 from the Medical College at Castleton, Vermont, David Crary, M.D. (1806–1894) practiced “tumor surgery” and then obstetrics. On January 4, 1848, in Hartford, Connecticut, Horace Wells administered nitrous oxide as Crary assisted surgeon Samuel B. Beresford in the 5-min excision of a “6-ounce” lipoma from the right shoulder area of a Nutmegger named Mary Gabriel from Bristol. Having witnessed this event—one of Wells’ earliest nondental nitrous oxide anesthetics-Crary would testify on many future occasions that Wells deserved the credit for pioneering anesthesia.
机译:该电话卡(以上,由伍德图书馆博物馆提供)具有一个椭圆形的照片肖像,并用黑色墨水将其粘贴在卡片纸上,并写上“康涅狄格州马里兰州哈特福德的大卫·克雷里”字样。在1834年从佛蒙特州卡斯尔顿医学院毕业后,医学博士David Crary(1806–1894)进行了“肿瘤手术”,然后进行了妇产科。 1848年1月4日,霍勒斯·威尔斯(Horace Wells)在Crary协助外科医生塞缪尔·贝雷斯福德(Samuel B. Beresford)的手术中,用五分钟时间从名叫玛丽·加布里埃尔(Mary Gabriel)的肉豆蔻的右肩部位切除了“六盎司”脂肪瘤。布里斯托尔见证了这一盛会-威尔斯最早的非牙科一氧化二氮麻醉剂之一-克雷里(Crary)将在未来的许多场合作证,证明威尔斯应归功于开创性麻醉。



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