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Muscle relaxants and airway management.


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To the Editor:-The article by Schmidt et al. and the accompanying editorial by Boylan and Kavanagh raise a very important issue, which is the place of neuromuscular blocking drugs (NMBDs) in anesthetic practice. Schmidt et al. state that "The use of muscle relaxants can cause severe hypoxia if the trachea cannot be intubated and the patient cannot be ventilated."1 We would be grateful if they could tell us on what evidence they base this statement. With respect, we think they may be falling into the well-known medical trap of confusing subsequence with consequence. In our opinion a more realistic and up-to-date statement would be "If mask ventilation is impossible, the evidence suggests that an NMBD will permit ventilation or intubation."
机译:致编辑:-Schmidt等人的文章。博伊伦(Boylan)和卡瓦纳(Kavanagh)随行的社论提出了一个非常重要的问题,那就是神经肌肉阻滞药(NMBD)在麻醉实践中的地位。 Schmidt等。声明“使用肌肉松弛剂会导致严重的缺氧,如果气管无法插管且患者无法通气。” 1如果他们能告诉我们他们基于该陈述的证据,我们将不胜感激。尊敬的是,我们认为他们可能会陷入将后果与后果混淆的医学陷阱。我们认为,更现实和最新的说法是“如果无法进行面罩通气,则证据表明NMBD将允许通气或插管。”



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