首页> 外文期刊>American Fruit Grower >Timing sprays: a new technique allows for the quick detection of fungal diseases, alerting stone fruit and nut growers as to when they should spray -- or not spray

Timing sprays: a new technique allows for the quick detection of fungal diseases, alerting stone fruit and nut growers as to when they should spray -- or not spray


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Imagine if you didn't have to depend on the calendar to tell you when to spray for brown rot and other diseases. If you could really, truly tell what was going on in your orchards so you would know the optimum time to spray. Or, if you were really lucky, you could hold off on one cover and save a few thousand bucks. You'll be happy to learn that day isn't far off. Themis Michailides and three postdoctoral colleagues at the University of California have developed a new technique that can quickly detect invisible fungal disease spores in fruit and nut crops. The rapid test, developed at the Kearney Agricultural Center plant pathology molecular laboratory in Parlier, CA, could save growers millions in unnecessary fungicide application costs. And by reducing pesticide runoff from orchards, it might save growers some environmental headaches as well.
机译:想象一下,如果您不必依靠日历告诉您何时喷洒褐腐病和其他疾病。如果可以,请确实告诉您果园中发生了什么,以便您知道最佳喷洒时间。或者,如果您真的很幸运,可以暂缓一份封面,节省几千美元。您将很高兴得知这一天不远了。加利福尼亚大学的Themis Michailides和三名博士后同事开发了一种新技术,可以快速检测水果和坚果类作物中的隐形真菌病菌孢子。由位于加州帕里利(Parlier)的科尔尼农业中心植物病理学分子实验室开发的快速测试可以为种植者节省数百万美元的不必要的杀菌剂施用成本。而且,通过减少果园中的农药径流,这还可以为种植者节省一些环境方面的麻烦。



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