首页> 外文期刊>Behavioural Brain Research: An International Journal >Psychological stress level detection based on electrodermal activity

Psychological stress level detection based on electrodermal activity


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This paper presents a method for detecting psychological stress levels. It aims to explore the feasibility of using a single physiological signal to create a more practical alternative for detecting stress in people than current multiple physiological signals approaches involve. In particular, the approach explored uses linear discriminant analysis (LDA) based on the electrodermal activity (EDA) signal which aims at discriminating between three stress levels: low, medium and high. We used the MIT Media lab 'stress database from which we selected eleven 'foot' based EDA data sets for our experiments. Using this eighteen EDA features were extracted from (sixty-six) five-minutes data segments equating to three driving conditions: at rest, on the open road (highway) and city driving. After that, Fisher projection and Linear discriminant analysis (LDA) were used to classify the stress levels with feature vectors, that included both leaving one out and test cross-validation strategy. The results showed that these methods achieved recognition rate of 81.82% which we argue, while less that multiple signal systems, may be a better balance between recognition performance and computational load, that could be a promising line of research for the development of practical personal stress monitors.
机译:本文提出了一种检测心理压力水平的方法。它旨在探讨使用单一生理信号来创造更实用的替代方法,以便检测人们的压力而不是当前的多个生理信号涉及的方法。特别地,该方法探索使用基于电台判别分析(LDA)的电沉积判别分析(EDA)信号,该信号旨在鉴别三个应力水平:低,中等和高。我们使用了MIT Media Lab'压力数据库,我们从中选择了11英尺的EDA数据集进行了实验。使用这一十八次EDA特征是从(六十六)五分钟的数据段中提取到三个驾驶条件:在休息,在开放的道路(公路)和城市驾驶。之后,使用Fisher投影和线性判别分析(LDA)来将压力水平与特征向量分类,包括留出一个输出和测试交叉验证策略。结果表明,这些方法达到了81.82%的识别率,我们争论,而多个信号系统可能是识别性能和计算负荷之间的更好平衡,这可能是对实际个人压力发展的有希望的研究线监视器。



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