首页> 外文期刊>American Farriers Journal >Vultures, Horseshoes And Everything In-Between: A visit to Indiana farrier Tom Willoughby's shop gives insight to how practicing ornamental blacksmithing can translate to forging skills with horseshoes

Vultures, Horseshoes And Everything In-Between: A visit to Indiana farrier Tom Willoughby's shop gives insight to how practicing ornamental blacksmithing can translate to forging skills with horseshoes

机译:秃鹰,马蹄铁和介于两者之间的一切:参观印第安纳州的铁匠汤姆·威洛比(Tom Willoughby)的商店,使人深刻领悟到练习锻造铁匠如何将马蹄铁锻造成技巧

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More so than any predecessor, Facebook has connected people who have never met in person or likely ever will. One person who has thousands of friends, many of whom he has yet to shake hands with, is Crown Point, Ind., farrier Tom Willoughby.It isn't his hoof-care work that has earned this popularity, but his skills in ornamental blacksmithing. Pictures of his work are widely shared and amaze those who see them.Artistic blacksmithing it is somewhat of a recent pursuit for Willoughby. Although he's had a keen interest in blacksmithing since he began shoeing, it wasn't until arthritis in his back began limiting his shoeing workload several years ago that Willoughby began focusing on the artistic side of it.
机译:与任何前任相比,Facebook的联系更加紧密,这些人从未见过面,也从未见过面。拥有数千名朋友的人是印第安纳州的克朗波因特(Crown Point),店主汤姆·威洛比(Tom Willoughby)。铁匠。他的作品的照片被广泛分享并让看到它们的人感到惊讶,艺术锻造对威洛比来说是最近的追求。尽管自从开始穿鞋以来,他一直对锻造产生浓厚的兴趣,但是直到几年前背部的关节炎开始限制他的穿鞋工作量之后,Willoughby才开始专注于艺术方面。



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