首页> 外文期刊>Aggressive behavior: A multidisciplinary journal devoted to the experimental and observational analysis of conflict in humans and animals >Case Study of a One-Sided Attack by Multiple Troop Members on a Nontroop Adolescent Male and the Death of Japanese Macaques (Macaca fuscata)

Case Study of a One-Sided Attack by Multiple Troop Members on a Nontroop Adolescent Male and the Death of Japanese Macaques (Macaca fuscata)


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members of the troop. The victim was identified as PI, and was estimated to be seven + one year old. The aggressive interaction wasrecorded by video camera until the end. Although at least 16 troop members approached PI more than once, only three males (oneadult, two adolescents) of A troop attacked him. PI kept crouching throughout the attack, then escaped to the shore and dived intothe sea. The interaction continued for more than one hour. P1 was found dead a few hours after the end of interaction. The damagecaused by the assailants was not the direct cause of PI's death; it was due to hypothermia caused by drifting in the sea. PI's lifehistory was reconstructed from past records. PI was a normal adolescent male who migrated from an all-male group around B1troop and started ranging around A troop. The aggressive interaction is believed to be a typical example of conflict between troopmales and a nontroop male. The interaction period was very long compared with previous reports on such conflicts among Japanesemacaques. PI kept crouching in open areas, exposing himself as a potential competitor for the resources of the troop, and did notshow any submissive or reconciliatory behavior toward the troop males. This may be why the troop males did not stop the attack.Aggr. Behay. 35:334-341, 2009
机译:部队成员。受害者被确定为PI,估计年龄为7岁+ 1岁。摄像机一直记录到这种积极的互动,直到最后。尽管至少有16个部队成员多次与PI接触,但A部队只有3名男性(成年,两个青少年)袭击了他。 PI在整个攻击过程中一直蹲伏,然后逃到了岸上并潜入海中。互动持续了一个多小时。互动结束几小时后发现P1死亡。袭击者造成的损害不是PI死亡的直接原因;这是由于海水漂流引起的体温过低。 PI的生活史是根据过去的记录重建的。 PI是一名正常的青春期男性,从B1部队附近的一个全男性群体迁移而来,并开始在A部队附近飞行。积极的互动被认为是部队男性与非部队男性之间冲突的典型例子。与先前关于日本猕猴之间的冲突的报道相比,互动期非常长。 PI一直蹲在空地上,使自己成为部队资源的潜在竞争者,并且没有表现出对部队男性的任何顺从或和解的行为。这就是为什么部队男性没有停止进攻的原因。贝海35:334-341,2009



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