
Maladaptive Perfectionism's Link to Aggression and Self-harm: Emotion Regulation as a Mechanism


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The negative affect that results from negative feedback is a substantial, proximal cause of aggression. People high in maladaptive perfectionism, the tendency to focus on the discrepancy between one's standards and performance, are characterized by an exaggerated negative affective response to negative feedback. This exacerbated affective response to failure may then dispose them to hurt others and themselves as aggression and self-harm are often perceived as a means to regulate negative affect. In Study 1, we demonstrated that maladaptive perfectionism was linked to greater aggressive behavior towards others after receiving negative feedback. Suggesting the presence of an emotion regulation strategy, this effect was mediated by the motivation to use aggression to improve mood. In Study 2, maladaptive perfectionism was linked to self-harm, an effect exacerbated by negative feedback and mediated by negative affect. These findings suggest that maladaptive perfectionists are at risk for greater harm towards others and the self because negative feedback has a stronger affective impact and harming others and the self is perceived a means to alleviate this aversive state. Aggr. Behav. 41:443-454, 2015. (C) 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
机译:负面反馈所产生的负面影响是侵略的重大,近端原因。适应不良的完美主义高尚的人(倾向于关注个人标准与绩效之间的差异)的特征是对负面反馈的负面情绪反应过大。这种对失败的加剧的情感反应可能会使他们伤害他人和自己,因为侵略和自我伤害通常被视为调节负面影响的一种手段。在研究1中,我们证明了适应不良的完美主义与接受负面反馈后对他人的攻击行为有关。暗示了情绪调节策略的存在,这种效果是由使用攻击来改善情绪的动机所介导的。在研究2中,适应不良的完美主义与自我伤害有关,自我反馈是一种负面反馈,这种负面影响会加剧这种负面影响,而负面影响会介导这种自我干预。这些发现表明,适应不良的完美主义者面临对他人和自我造成更大伤害的风险,因为负面反馈具有更强的情感影响力并伤害他人,并且自我被认为是减轻这种厌恶状态的一种手段。 Aggr。行为。 41:443-454,2015.(C)2014 Wiley Periodicals,Inc.



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