首页> 外文期刊>Физиология и биохимия культурных растений: Науч.- теорет. журн. >Effect of nodule bacterium clones resistant to mineral nitrogen on the intensity of physiological processes and pea plant productivity

Effect of nodule bacterium clones resistant to mineral nitrogen on the intensity of physiological processes and pea plant productivity


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The effect of nodule bacterium clones resistant to mineral nitrogen (the clones obtained by us for the first time using the method of ethylmethansulfonate treatment of bacteria of R. leguminosarum strain 250a) on the intensity of physiological processes in pea plant (Solara cv) grown against the heightened nitrogen background (1.2 of Gelrigel normal) in the substrate was studied in vegetative experiments (sand and soil cultures). It has been shown that the presowing inoculation of pea grain grown by the investigated clones contributed to the increase in the intensity of respiration and nitrogen fixation processes, biomass increase and nitrogen accumulation in it, the rise in pea plant yield and quality. The data obtained could be used when developing and making the preparations of nodule bacteria with the purpose of maximum utilization of biological nitrogen to obtain ecologically pure products.
机译:结节细菌克隆对矿物氮的影响(首次使用乙基甲基磺酸盐菌株250a的细菌的乙基甲基磺酸盐处理方法的克隆的克隆)对豌豆植物(Solara CV)的生理过程强度 在营养实验(沙子和土壤培养)中,研究了基质中加强的氮背景(1.2的Gelrigel正常)。 已经表明,调查克隆所生长的豌豆籽粒的调节有助于增加呼吸和氮固定过程的强度,生物质增加和氮气积累,豌豆植物产量和质量的增加。 在开发和制备结节细菌的制剂时,可以使用所得数据,以最大限度地利用生物氮来获得生态纯产品。



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