首页> 外文期刊>電子情報通信学会技術研究報告. 宇宙·航行エレクトロニクス. Space, Aeronautical and Navigational Electronics >Multi-point displacement measurement method using phase differences for testing quake-proof structure

Multi-point displacement measurement method using phase differences for testing quake-proof structure


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The full-scale earthquake experiment facility testing the quake-proof structure is under construction. In that experiment, large displacements of multiple reference points, with which the entire structure wall is covered, should be simultaneously measured with high accuracy. In this report, we proposed a remote displacement measurement method using radio wave for earthquake experiment. The proposed measurement system consists of simple transmitters at reference points and several receiving antennas set up in different places. The receiving signals from the transmitters are separated by bandpass filters, and the location of the transmitter is estimated precisely by observing the phase differences between receiving signals. An iterative solving algorithm for non-linear simultaneous equations, which determines the transmitter position, and theoretical error analysis are also shown. The displacement estimation errors are about 5 to 13mm in some numerical simulations on the condition that carrier frequency of radio wave is 2.5GHz and phase observation error is 15degrms.



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