首页> 外文期刊>American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics >Comparison of mesiodistal root angulation with posttreatment panoramic radiographs and cone-beam computed tomography.

Comparison of mesiodistal root angulation with posttreatment panoramic radiographs and cone-beam computed tomography.


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INTRODUCTION: Orthodontists assess mesiodistal root angulations before, during, and after orthodontic treatment as an aid in establishing proper root position. Panoramic imaging has been useful for this purpose and is a valuable screening tool in diagnosis and planning treatment of orthodontic patients. Cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) for imaging of the craniofacial complex creates the opportunity to evaluate 3-dimensional images compared with traditional 2-dimensional images. The purpose of this project was to compare mesiodistal root angulations by using posttreatment panoramic radiographic images and CBCT scans. METHODS: Mesiodistal root angulations from panoramic images and CBCT scans of 35 orthognathic surgery patients after orthodontic treatment were compared. The panoramic images were measured by using VixWin (Gendex Dental Systems, Des Plaines, Ill), and the CBCT scans by using InvivoDental 3D (version 4.1, Anatomage, San Jose, Calif). The mesiodistal root angulation of each maxillary and mandibular tooth was measured by using the occlusal plane as the reference line. With an intercept-only linear regression for correlated data (with an unstructured covariance structure), the global test of whether the mean vector of all differences for the teeth is zero was performed separately for the 2 arches. RESULTS: The global test for both arches was statistically significant (P <0.001), indicating an overall difference in root angulation between measurements from panoramic and CBCT images. There was no discernible pattern in the average differences between panoramic and CBCT measurements. CONCLUSIONS: The assessment of mesiodistal tooth angulation with panoramic radiography should be approached with caution and reinforced by a thorough clinical examination of the dentition.
机译:简介:正畸医生在正畸治疗之前,期间和之后评估近中颌牙根角度,以帮助确定正确的牙根位置。全景成像已用于此目的,并且在正畸患者的诊断和计划治疗中是有价值的筛查工具。用于颅面复合体成像的锥形束计算机断层扫描(CBCT)创造了与传统的二维图像相比评估3维图像的机会。该项目的目的是通过使用后处理全景放射线图像和CBCT扫描来比较近中坚牙根的角度。方法:比较35例正颌外科手术患者在正畸治疗后的全景图像和CBCT扫描的近中牙根角度。使用VixWin(Gendex Dental Systems,Des Plaines,伊利诺伊州)测量全景图像,并使用InvivoDental 3D(4.1版,Anatomage,San Jose,CA)测量CBCT扫描。通过使用咬合面作为参考线,测量每个上颌和下颌牙的近中牙根角度。通过对相关数据(具有非结构化协方差结构)的仅截距线性回归,分别对2个圆弧分别进行了牙齿所有差异均值矢量是否为零的全局测试。结果:两个牙弓的整体测试具有统计学意义(P <0.001),表明从全景图像和CBCT图像测量的牙根角度总体差异。全景和CBCT测量之间的平均差异没有明显的规律。结论:全景X线摄片评估近中颌牙的角度应谨慎,并应通过全面的牙列临床检查予以加强。



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