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Crosseolidae, a new family of skeneiform microgastropods and progress toward definition of monophyletic Skeneidae


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Preliminary review of 130 available genus-group names for the notoriously polyphyletic group of skeneiform microgastropods has revealed a concentration of biodiversity in Australasia, primarily on the shelf and on or in clastic substrates. Forty-four of the names are based on type species from Australia or New Zealand, and some of the most speciose genera are abundantly represented and well preserved in the Cenozoic fossil record. Many skeneiform species were not illustrated at the time of description, and remain unillustrated except by inadequate line drawings. Features observed in scanning electron micrographs are used to define a set of new shell characters and to name and diagnose a new vetigastropod family Crosseolidae. Diagnostic features are the shallow anterior canal at the base of the columellar lip, a prominent umbilical keel, and a pseudumbilicus between the umbilical keel and the sharply defined inner lip. The shell of the type species of Crosseola, C. concinna (Angas, 1868), is illustrated with SEM for the first time, along with variation in shells of Crosseola striata (Watson, 1883). Three additional genera are assigned to the family: Conjectura Finlay, 1927, Conradia A. Adams, 1860, and Crossea A. Adams, 1865. Dolicrossea Iredale, 1924 is excluded on external anatomical evidence that the type species is a rissooidean caenogastropod. Intraspecific variation in crosseolids is partly a consequence of terminal growth features: adult variciform thickening of the outer lip, descending suture, and modifications of the columella and umbilical region. A restrictive definition of Skeneidae is provided along with examples of Australasian genera that can be allocated confidently to other families. Three predominantly Australasian groups of Cenozoic skeneiform taxa are identified for intensified study and potential allocation to new families. The constituency of vetigastropod family-groups and inferences of their relationships are too poorly resolved at this time to warrant the use of superfamily names.
机译:对臭名昭著的小形腹足类动物的多系群的130个可用属群名称的初步审查显示,在澳大拉西亚,主要是在架子上,碎屑基质上或碎屑基质中,生物多样性集中。其中的四十四个名称基于澳大利亚或新西兰的类型物种,并且某些最特殊的属在新生代化石记录中得到了充分的体现和保存。在描述时,许多skeneiform物种都没有显示出来,除非线条图不足,否则没有显示出来。在扫描电子显微照片中观察到的特征被用来定义一组新的壳特征,并命名和诊断新的角豆足纲科。诊断特征是小柱唇基底部的浅前管,突出的脐龙骨以及脐龙骨和尖锐的内唇之间的假脐。 Crosseola,C.continna(安加斯,1868年)的类型种的壳,首次用SEM进行了说明,以及Crosseola striata壳的变化(Watson,1883年)。该家族另外三个属:Conjectura Finlay,1927年; Conradia A.Adams,1860年;和Crossea A.Adams,1865年。DolicrosseaIredale,1924年在外部解剖证据上被排除在外,该类型物种是一种类虫体类腔腹足纲动物。横eo类的种内变异部分是末端生长特征的结果:成年的猴口状外唇变厚,缝合线下降以及小柱和脐带区域的变型。提供了Skeneidae的限制性定义以及可以可靠地分配给其他家庭的澳大利亚属的示例。确定了三个主要的澳大拉西亚新生代skeneiform类群,以加强研究并可能将其分配给新的家庭。 vetigastropod家族群体的选区及其关系的推论现在太差了,以至于不能使用超家族名称。



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