首页> 外文期刊>Кардиология >Efficacy and Safety of a Domestic Non-selective b-adrenoblocker Possibilities of the Use of Proxodolol in the Treatment of Patients With Chronic Heart Failure.

Efficacy and Safety of a Domestic Non-selective b-adrenoblocker Possibilities of the Use of Proxodolol in the Treatment of Patients With Chronic Heart Failure.


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Novel (made in Russia) nonselective b-blocker with a1-blocking properties proxodolol was given to 30 patients with ischemic heart disease, NYHA class II-III chronic heart failure (CHF) and left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) <40%. Methods of control included clinical examination, registration of hemodynamic and morphofunctional parameters of the heart. Proxodolol caused clinical improvement which appeared as reduction of signs of CHF and betterment of myocardial contractile function with 14% increase of LVEF according to data of echocardiography. Side effects of proxodolol were noted in 26.7% of cases and required withdrawal of the preparation in 6.7% of patients.
机译:新颖(在俄罗斯制造的)NONEERECTIVE B-BOLPLER具有A1阻断性能的Proxodolol给予30例缺血性心脏病,NYHA II-III慢性心力衰竭(CHF)和左心室喷射部分(LVEF)<40%。 控制方法包括临床检查,心动力学和心脏形态能参数的登记。 Proxodolol导致临床改善,随着超声心动图数据增加了14%的LVEF增加了CHF的迹象和细胞收缩函数的减少。 在26.7%的病例中注意到替代洛尔的副作用,并要求在6.7%的患者中撤回制剂。



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