首页> 外文期刊>Amino acids >Glutamine deficiency in extracellular fluid exerts adverse effects on protein and amino acid metabolism in skeletal muscle of healthy, laparotomized, and septic rats

Glutamine deficiency in extracellular fluid exerts adverse effects on protein and amino acid metabolism in skeletal muscle of healthy, laparotomized, and septic rats


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Characteristic feature of critical illness, such as trauma and sepsis, is muscle wasting associated with activated oxidation of branched-chain amino acids (valine, leucine, isoleucine) and enhanced release of glutamine (GLN) to the blood. GLN consumption in visceral tissues frequently exceeds its release from muscle resulting in GLN deficiency that may exert adverse effects on the course of the disease. In the present study, we investigated the effects of GLN depletion in extracellular fluid on GLN production and protein and amino acid metabolism in skeletal muscle of healthy, laparotomized, and septic rats. Cecalligation and puncture (CLP) was used as a model of sepsis. After 24 h, soleus muscle (SOL, slow-twitch, red muscle) and extensor digitorum longus (EDL, fast-twitch, white muscle) were isolated and incubated in a medium containing 0.5 mM GLN or without GLN. L-[1-~(14)C]leu-cine was used to estimate protein synthesis and leucine oxidation, 3-methylhistidine release was used to evaluate myofibrillar protein breakdown. CLP increased GLN release from muscle, protein breakdown and leucine oxidation, and decreased protein synthesis. The effects were more pronounced in EDL. Alterations induced by laparotomy were similar to those observed in sepsis, but of a lower extent. GLN deficiency in medium enhanced GLN release and decreased intramuscular GLN concentration, decreased protein synthesis in muscles of intact and laparotomized rats, and enhanced leucine oxidation in SOL of intact and protein breakdown in SOL of laparotomized rats. It is concluded that (1) fast-twitch fibers are more sensitive to septic stimuli than slow-twitch fibers, (2) extracellular GLN deficiency may exert adverse effects on protein and amino acid metabolism in skeletal muscle, and (3) muscles of healthy and laparotomized animals are more sensitive to GLN deficiency than muscles of septic animals.
机译:严重疾病(例如创伤和败血症)的特征是肌肉消瘦,与支链氨基酸(缬氨酸,亮氨酸,异亮氨酸)的活化氧化和谷氨酰胺(GLN)向血液的释放增强有关。内脏组织中的GLN消耗经常超过其从肌肉中的释放,从而导致GLN缺乏,这可能对疾病的进程产生不利影响。在本研究中,我们研究了细胞外液中GLN消耗对健康,腹腔切除和脓毒症大鼠骨骼肌GLN产生以及蛋白质和氨基酸代谢的影响。小脑穿刺术(CLP)被用作脓毒症的模型。 24小时后,分离比目鱼肌(SOL,慢肌,红肌)和趾长伸肌(EDL,快肌,白肌),并在含有0.5 mM GLN或不含GLN的培养基中孵育。 L- [1-〜(14)C]亮氨酸用于评估蛋白质合成和亮氨酸氧化,3-甲基组氨酸释放用于评估肌原纤维蛋白分解。 CLP增加了肌肉中GLN的释放,蛋白质分解和亮氨酸氧化,并减少了蛋白质合成。在EDL中效果更为明显。开腹手术引起的改变与败血症中观察到的改变相似,但程度较小。培养基中的GLN缺乏会增强GLN的释放并降低肌内GLN的浓度,使完整和腹腔切开的大鼠的肌肉中的蛋白质合成减少,并且完整的SOL中的亮氨酸氧化会增强,而剖腹的大鼠SOL中的蛋白质分解会增强。结论是:(1)快肌纤维比慢肌纤维对败血症刺激更为敏感;(2)细胞外GLN缺乏可能对骨骼肌的蛋白质和氨基酸代谢产生不利影响;(3)健康的肌肉剖腹手术的动物比败血症动物的肌肉对GLN缺乏症更敏感。



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