首页> 外文期刊>電子情報通信学会技術研究報告. 超音波. Ultrasonics >Measurement of single bubble sonoluminescence 3: an improved light scattering experiment

Measurement of single bubble sonoluminescence 3: an improved light scattering experiment


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A single bubble of air in water, while oscillating in the acoustic standing-wave field, can emit short light pulses regularly at the moment of collapse provided that the acoustic conditions are adequate. The dynamics of the bubble can be monitored by Mie-scattering measurements. In this report an optical system was devised to minimize stray light signals without any significant loss of the signals. As a result the background signal was reduced remarkably compared with our previous report. Telemicroscopic images were also monitored with front lighting and recorded by the video camera, allowing us to determine the maximum radius R{sub}(max). Since the detection angle was relatively large, the scattered light intensity was proportional to the square of the bubble radius, allowing us to determine time dependence of the bubble radius.
机译:在水中振荡的水中的单个空气泡沫,在声波场中可以定期发出短的光脉冲,条件是声学条件足够。 可以通过mie散射测量监测气泡的动态。 在本报告中,设计了一种光学系统,以最小化杂散光信号而没有任何显着损耗信号。 结果,与我们之前的报告相比,背景信号显着降低。 还使用前照明进行遥控图像并由摄像机记录,允许我们确定最大半径R {SUB}(最大值)。 由于检测角度相对较大,因此散射光强度与气泡半径的平方成比例,允许我们确定气泡半径的时间依赖性。



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