首页> 外文期刊>American journal of public health >Reforming American Indian/Alaska Native health care financing: the role of Medicaid.

Reforming American Indian/Alaska Native health care financing: the role of Medicaid.


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Chronic underfunding of American Indian and Alaska Native (AIAN) health care by the federal government has weakened the capacity of the Indian Health Service, tribal governments, and the urban Indian health delivery system to meet the health care needs of the AIAN population. I describe the current role of Medicaid in financing health care services for American Indians/Alaska Natives and offer 3 suggestions for reforming Medicaid financing of AIAN health care: (1) apply a 100% federal matching rate to the cost of Medicaid services furnished by urban Indian health programs; (2) apply a 100% federal matching rate to the cost of Medicaid services furnished by referral to AIAN patients of hospitals or clinics operated by the Indian Health Service, tribes, tribal organizations, or urban Indian health programs; and (3) exempt AIAN Medicaid beneficiaries who receive services from such hospitals or clinics from state reductions in Medicaid eligibility and benefits.
机译:联邦政府对美国印第安人和阿拉斯加原住民(AIAN)卫生保健的长期资金不足,削弱了印第安人卫生服务局,部落政府和印度城市卫生保健系统满足AIAN人口保健需求的能力。我描述了Medicaid在为美洲印第安人/阿拉斯加土著人提供医疗服务的融资中的当前作用,并提供了3条关于改革AIAN医疗保健的Medicaid融资的建议:(1)对城市提供的Medicaid服务的费用采用100%的联邦匹配率印度卫生计划; (2)对转介给印度卫生局,部落,部落组织或印度城市卫生计划所运营的医院或诊所的AIAN患者所提供的医疗补助服务费用,采用100%的联邦匹配率; (3)豁免从此类医院或诊所获得服务的AIAN Medicaid受益人免除州对Medicaid资格和福利的降低。



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