首页> 外文期刊>American journal of public health >Targeted intervention strategies to increase and maintain mammography utilization among African American women.

Targeted intervention strategies to increase and maintain mammography utilization among African American women.


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OBJECTIVES: We assessed the impact of a theory-based, culturally relevant intervention designed to increase mammography screening among African American women in 8 underserved counties in Alabama. METHODS: Using principles derived from the Stages of Change, Community Health Advisor, and Community Empowerment models, we developed strategies to increase mammography screening. Trained volunteers (N = 143) provided tailored messages to encourage adoption and maintenance of mammography screening. We collected baseline and follow-up data on 1513 women in the communities targeted for the intervention. Our goal was to decrease the number of women in stage 1 (never screened) while increasing the number of women in stage 2 (infrequently screened) and stage 3 (regularly screened). RESULTS: At baseline, 14% (n = 211) of the women were in stage 1, 16% (n = 247) were in stage 2, and 70% (n = 1055) were in stage 3. After the 2-year intervention, 4% (n = 61) of the women remained in stage 1, 20% (n = 306) were in stage 2, and 76% (n = 1146) were in stage 3. CONCLUSIONS: Tailored motivational messages and peer support can increase mammography screening rates for African American women.
机译:目的:我们评估了一种基于理论的,与文化相关的干预措施的影响,该干预措施旨在提高阿拉巴马州8个服务水平不足的县的非洲裔美国妇女的乳房X线照片筛查率。方法:使用从变革阶段,社区健康顾问和社区授权模型得出的原理,我们制定了增加乳腺X线摄影筛查的策略。受过训练的志愿者(N = 143)提供了量身定制的信息,以鼓励采用和维持乳房X线照片筛查。我们收集了干预目标社区中1513名妇女的基线和后续数据。我们的目标是减少第1阶段(从未接受过筛查)的妇女人数,而增加第2阶段(很少接受筛查)和第3阶段(定期筛查)的妇女人数。结果:基线时,第一阶段的女性占14%(n = 211),第二阶段的女性占16%(n = 247),第三阶段的女性占70%(n = 1055)。干预后,第1阶段中仍有4%(n = 61)的女性处于第2阶段,而20%(n = 306)处于第2阶段。结论:量身定制的激励信息和同伴支持可以提高非洲裔美国女性的乳房X光检查筛查率。



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