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Snippets from the past: Is Flint, Michigan, the birthplace of the case-control study?


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In the summer of 1924, an outbreak of scarlet fever occurred in Flint, Michigan. Unable to trace it to the usual causes, particularly fresh milk, the Michigan Department of Health used a novel approach to disentangle the enigma: The 116 cases of scarlet fever were compared with 117 "controls" selected from neighbors of the quarantined cases and from patients at the City Health Center who had been treated for ailments unrelated to scarlet fever. The extraordinary culprit was ice cream, which had a frequent/occasionalone consumption prevalence of 60%, 34%, and 6% among the cases and 24%, 51%, and 25% among the controls, respectively. The 1925 report reads, "Detailed epidemiological investigation, by means of case histories and control histories on well persons, confirmed early suspicions and established the fact that the epidemic was spread by ice cream" (Am J Hyg. 1925;5(5):669-681). This forgotten epidemiologic study is the oldest study using the case-control design to have been resurrected thus far. The case-control study design may have been conceived simultaneously, but independently and for different purposes, in England (Janet Lane-Claypon's 1926 report on the determinants of breast cancer) and the United States.
机译:1924年夏天,密歇根州弗林特爆发了猩红热。密歇根州卫生厅无法找到导致其原因的常见原因,特别是新鲜牛奶,因此采用了一种新颖的方法来解开谜团:将116例猩红热病例与从隔离病例的邻居和患者中选择的117例“对照”进行了比较在城市卫生中心接受过与猩红热无关的疾病的治疗。罪魁祸首是冰淇淋,其频繁/偶尔/无消耗的患病率分别为60%,34%和6%,对照组为24%,51%和25%。 1925年的报告中写道:“通过对病人的病史和控制史进行详细的流行病学调查,证实了早期的怀疑,并确定了流行病通过冰淇淋传播的事实”(Am J Hyg。1925; 5(5): 669-681)。这项被遗忘的流行病学研究是迄今为止使用病例对照设计的最古老研究。病例对照研究设计可能是同时(但独立且出于不同目的)在英国(Janet Lane-Claypon于1926年发表的关于乳腺癌决定因素的报告)和美国构思的。



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