首页> 外文期刊>American Journal of Epidemiology >Re.: 'The health status of nonparticipants in a population-based health study: the Hordaland Health Study'.

Re.: 'The health status of nonparticipants in a population-based health study: the Hordaland Health Study'.


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In their interesting article in which they compared the health of participants with that of nonparticipants in a population-based survey in Norway, Knudsen et al. (1) were able to link their eligible population sample with the Norwegian national registry of disability pensions, which includes information about diagnoses. They found that the likelihood of receiving a disability pension was higher among nonparticipants, and this was especially true for persons receiving disability pensions as a result of mental disorders. One of the most important features of their study was that the use of a registry-based outcome provided information on health status several years after inception, and the authors claim that "this was the first study to obtain information about nonpar-ticipation bias using a longitudinal design" (1, p. 1310).
机译:Knudsen等人在他们的有趣的文章中比较了参与者的健康状况和挪威的非参与者健康状况。 (1)能够将符合条件的人群样本与挪威国家残疾人养老金登记处相关联,其中包括有关诊断的信息。他们发现,非参加者领取残疾抚恤金的可能性更高,对于因精神障碍而领取残疾抚恤金的人尤其如此。他们研究的最重要特征之一是,基于注册表的结果的使用可在发病数年后提供有关健康状况的信息,并且作者声称“这是第一项使用非处方药获得有关非参与性偏见信息的研究。纵向设计”(第1页,第1310页)。



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