首页> 外文期刊>American Journal of Epidemiology >Trends in frequency of reporting improper diabetes-related cause-of-death statements on death certificates, 1985-2005: An algorithm to identify incorrect causal sequences.

Trends in frequency of reporting improper diabetes-related cause-of-death statements on death certificates, 1985-2005: An algorithm to identify incorrect causal sequences.


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This study aimed to examine the changes in frequency of reporting improper diabetes-related cause-of-death statements on death certificates based on Multiple-Cause Mortality Files of the United States from 1985 to 2005. An algorithm was developed to identify the causes of death with incorrect causal sequences by using decision tables developed by the National Center for Health Statistics. In 1985, 2 or more diagnoses per line were reported on 35% of death certificates with mention of diabetes in Part I of the death certificate. This percentage decreased to 19% in 2005. In contrast, the prevalence of reporting incorrect causal sequences on death certificates on which diabetes was reported in Part I increased from 22% in 1985 to 35% in 2005. The authors suggest that the most plausible explanation of increasing reporting of incorrect causal sequences was the drastic increase of reporting multiple conditions (especially cardiovascular diseases and cancers) among deaths with mention of diabetes, which made the determination of underlying cause of death much more difficult.
机译:这项研究旨在研究基于1985年至2005年美国多原因死亡率档案的死亡证明上与糖尿病相关的死亡原因报告不当的报告频率的变化。开发了一种算法来识别死亡原因通过使用国家卫生统计中心开发的决策表来确定不正确的因果序列。 1985年,在死亡证明的第I部分中,每条线报告3份诊断报告中35%的死亡证明涉及糖尿病。该百分比在2005年降至19%。相比之下,在第一部分中报告的糖尿病死亡证明中,错误的因果序列报告错误率从1985年的22%上升到2005年的35%。作者建议最合理的解释报告错误的因果顺序的主要原因是,在提及糖尿病的死亡中报告多种疾病(尤其是心血管疾病和癌症)的人数急剧增加,这使确定潜在的死亡原因变得更加困难。



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