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Migration Rules: Functional Properties of Naive and Effector/Memory-Like Regulatory T Cell Subsets


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Suppressor T cells were first described in the early 1970s, but since the hypothetical soluble suppressor factor could not be identified on a molecular level and since appropriate cellular markers were lacking, the suppressor T cell concept vanished for a long time. The discovery by Sakaguchi and co-workers, that the adoptive transfer of CD25~+CD4~+-depleted T cells induced several organ-specific autoimmune diseases in immunodeficient recipients, put the suppressor T cell model back into the focus of many immunologists, CD25~+CD4~+ T cells were named regulatory T cells (Treg) and since then have been intensively characterized by many groups. It has now been well documented in a var iety of models that CD25~+CD4~+ Tr egs, in addition to cell-intr insic peripheral tolerance mechanisms such as anergy induction and peripheral deletion, play indispensable roles in the maintenance of natural self-tolerance, in averting autoimmune responses as well as in controlling inflammatory reactions. However,a number of fundamental questions concerning their origin, mechanism of action, and the sites of suppression remain elusive and are currently a matter of debate. Notably, the potential heterogeneity of Tregs with respect to phenotype and function deserves attention and is a major issue discussed in this review.
机译:抑制性T细胞最早是在1970年代初期描述的,但是由于无法在分子水平上鉴定出假定的可溶性抑制因子,并且由于缺乏适当的细胞标记物,抑制性T细胞的概念长期消失了。 Sakaguchi及其同事发现,CD25〜+ CD4〜+耗竭的T细胞的过继转移会在免疫缺陷受体中诱发多种器官特异性自身免疫疾病,这使抑制性T细胞模型重新成为许多免疫学家关注的焦点〜+ CD4〜+ T细胞被称为调节性T细胞(Treg),从那时起,许多组织就对其进行了深入研究。现已在各种模型中得到充分证明,CD25〜+ CD4〜+ Tregs除细胞内固有的外周耐受机制(如无能诱导和外周缺失)外,在维持自然自发中起着不可或缺的作用。在避免自身免疫反应以及控制炎症反应中具有耐受性。但是,有关其起源,作用机理和抑制部位的许多基本问题仍然难以捉摸,目前尚在争论中。值得注意的是,Tregs在表型和功能方面的潜在异质性值得关注,并且是本综述中讨论的主要问题。



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