首页> 外文期刊>Bird Study >Predators and nest success of Sky Larks Alauda arvensis in large arable fields in the Czech Republic.

Predators and nest success of Sky Larks Alauda arvensis in large arable fields in the Czech Republic.

机译:在捷克共和国的大型耕地中,云雀 Alauda arvensis 的捕食者和巢穴成功。

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Capsule: Nest failure owing to a range of predators was high, but the level and specificity of nest depredation cannot be generalised. Aims: To determine fates and predators of Sky Lark nests in conventionally managed arable fields in the Czech Republic. Methods: Sky Lark nests in large fields (mainly Maize, Sugar Beet and Opium Poppy) were monitored by means of continuous video surveillance. Results: Primary nest fates of 42 active nests were fledging (13), depredation (22), desertion (5), nestling death (1), and flooding (1). The overall nest success (Mayfield estimate) was 17% (all mortality factors considered) or 27% (only depredation). Depredation events were caused by Marsh Harrier Circus aeruginosus (11), Hooded Crow Corvus cornix (4), Stone Marten Martes foina (3), Montagu's Harrier Circus pygargus (2), Red Fox Vulpes vulpes (2), Hedgehog Erinaceus sp. (2) and Eurasian Jackdaw Corvus monedula (1). Successful nests were only slightly more away from field edge than depredated nests; nests taken by birds tended to be closer to field edge than those depredated by mammals. The possible reasons for the absence of a clear edge effect include comparatively large field parcels (about 50 ha) and location of nests far from field edge (median=195 m). Conclusion: Nest survival and composition of nest predators are site-specific and contingent upon the study method and may not be simply generalised.
机译:胶囊:由于掠食性动物种类繁多而造成的巢失败率很高,但无法概括巢掠食的水平和特异性。目的:确定在捷克共和国传统管理的耕地中天云雀巢的命运和掠食者。方法:通过连续的视频监视对大田地(主要是玉米,甜菜和鸦片罂粟)中的云雀巢进行监视。结果:42个活动巢的主要巢命运为出雏(13),折旧(22),逃避(5),雏鸟死亡(1)和洪水(1)。总的巢成功率(Mayfield估计)为17%(考虑所有死亡率因素)或27%(仅弃绝)。掠夺事件是由Marsh Harrier 铜绿马戏团(11),戴兜帽的乌鸦 Corvus cornix (4),Stone Marten Martes foina (3), Montagu的Harrier 马戏团小矮人(2),Red Fox 狐狸狐狸(2),刺猬 Erinaceus sp。 (2)和欧亚寒鸦 Corvus monedula (1)。成功的巢穴与淘汰的巢穴相比,离田间边缘的距离略远。鸟类占据的巢穴比哺乳动物不喜欢的巢穴更靠近田间边缘。缺少清晰边缘效应的可能原因包括相对较大的田间地块(约50公顷)和巢距现场边缘较远的位置(中位数= 195 m)。结论:巢生存和巢捕食者的组成是特定地点的,并取决于研究方法,可能不能简单地概括。



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