首页> 外文期刊>American Journal of Physiology >Evaluation of different levels of hydration using a new physiological strain index.

Evaluation of different levels of hydration using a new physiological strain index.


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A physiological strain index (PSI), based on rectal temperature (Tre) and heart rate (HR), was recently suggested for evaluating heat stress. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the PSI for different combinations of hydration level and exercise intensity. This index was applied to two databases. The first database was obtained from eight endurance-trained men dehydrated to four different levels (1.1, 2.3, 3.4, and 4.2% of body wt) during 120 min of cycling at a power output of 62-67% maximum O2 consumption (VO2 max) in the heat [33 degrees C and 50% relative humidity (RH)]. The second database was obtained from nine men performing exercise in the heat (30 degrees C and 50% RH) for 50 min. These subjects completed a matrix of nine trials of exercise on a treadmill at three exercise intensities (25, 45, and 65% VO2 max) and three hydration levels (euhydration and hypohydration at 3 and 5% of body wt). Tre, HR, esophageal temperature (Tes), and local sweating rate were measured. PSI (obtained from either Tre or Tes) significantly (P < 0.05) differentiated among all exposures in both databases categorized by exercise intensity and hydration level, and we assessed the strain on a scale ranging from 0 to 10. Therefore, PSI applicability was extended for heat strain associated with hypohydration and continues to provide the potential to be universally accepted.
机译:最近提出了一种基于直肠温度(Tre)和心率(HR)的生理应变指数(PSI)用于评估热应激。这项研究的目的是评估水合水平和运动强度的不同组合的PSI。该索引已应用于两个数据库。第一个数据库来自八名经过耐力训练的男子,他们在骑车120分钟内脱水至四个不同的水平(体重的1.1%,2.3%,3.4和4.2%),最大输出氧气消耗量为62-67%(最大VO2) )在高温[33摄氏度和50%相对湿度(RH)]下加热。第二个数据库是从在高温(30摄氏度和50%相对湿度)下进行50分钟锻炼的9名男性获得的。这些受试者完成了在跑步机上以三种运动强度(最大摄氧量分别为25%,45%和65%)和三种水合水平(在3%和5%体重时的水合和低水合)进行九次运动试验的矩阵。测量Tre,HR,食道温度(Tes)和局部出汗率。 PSI(从Tre或Tes中获得)在两个数据库中的所有暴露量(按运动强度和水合水平进行分类)之间有显着差异(P <0.05),并且我们以0到10的范围对菌株进行了评估。因此,PSI适用性得到了扩展与水合作用相关的热应变,并继续提供被普遍接受的潜力。



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