首页> 外文期刊>American Journal of Physiology >Effect of acute food deprivation on lactational infertility in rats is reduced by leptin administration.

Effect of acute food deprivation on lactational infertility in rats is reduced by leptin administration.


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The goals of these experiments were to determine whether lactational anestrus would be prolonged by a 48-h fast at days 13 and 14 postpartum (pp) and, if so, to determine whether this effect could be reversed by treatment with the Ob protein leptin. We found that food deprivation on days 13 and 14 pp prolonged lactational infertility by 7 days and that the nutritional experience of both the dam and her litter contributed to this effect. Leptin administration (2.5 mg . kg-1 . day-1) during food deprivation was sufficient to reduce the length of lactational infertility compared with vehicle-treated food-deprived rats (P < 0.05). Similar leptin treatment in ad libitum-fed animals reduced food intake (P < 0.05) and litter growth (P < 0.05) but had no statistically significant effect on maternal weight gain or length of lactational infertility. Food-deprived lactating animals had lower circulating leptin levels than ad libitum-fed lactating animals on day 15 pp (P < 0.05), as determined by RIA. Levels in nonlactating rats were higher than in either lactating group (P < 0.05).
机译:这些实验的目的是确定是否在产后第13天和第14天(pp)哺乳期的发情时间延长48小时,如果是,则确定用Ob蛋白瘦素治疗是否可以逆转这种作用。我们发现,第13和14 pp天的食物匮乏将哺乳期不育症延长了7天,而大坝和她的垫料的营养经验都促进了这种作用。与用赋形剂处理的食物剥夺的大鼠相比,食物剥夺期间给予的瘦素(2.5 mg。kg-1。day-1)足以减少泌乳性不育的时间(P <0.05)。在随意喂养的动物中进行类似的瘦蛋白治疗可减少食物摄入(P <0.05)和凋落物生长(P <0.05),但对母体增重或哺乳期不长没有统计学上的显着影响。通过RIA测定,在第15天时,缺乏食物的泌乳动物的循环瘦素水平低于随意喂养的哺乳动物(P <0.05)。非哺乳期大鼠的水平高于两个哺乳期组(P <0.05)。



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