首页> 外文期刊>American Journal of Physiology >hCG: its pancreatic and duodenal receptors and in vivo electrolyte secretion in female rats.

hCG: its pancreatic and duodenal receptors and in vivo electrolyte secretion in female rats.


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A state of fluid flux probably resulting from ion movement across the plasma membrane occurs during early pregnancy or trophoblastic disease, manifesting as emesis or hyperemesis gravidarum or hydatidiform moles. In emesis or hyperemesis gravidarum, excessive secretion induced by a humoral agent may trigger vomiting by distending and activating the gastrointestinal (GI) tract mechanoreceptors. This agent may be human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG). High-affinity hCG binding sites similar to those in the ovary were found in the duodenum and pancreas of female rats, with dissociation constant values of 0.11 +/- 0.02, 1.9 +/- 0.6, and 4.7 +/- 3.5 nM, respectively. The isoelectric point for duodenal and ovarian proteins was 5.5. With the use of two antisera directed against amino acid residues 24-33 and 239-249 of the lutropin receptor, positive immunohistochemical staining was seen in smooth muscle, Brunner's glands, parasympathetic ganglia, crypt cells, and blood vessels of the duodenum, in zymogen granules of acini, and in intralobular ducts and blood vessels of the pancreas. Under nonreducing conditions, 150- and 170-kDa proteins were seen, through Western blot analysis, in the pancreas, duodenum, and ovary. Administration of hCG to female rats in vivo caused a significant increase in HCO-3 and K+ secretion from the duodenum and pancreas. We hypothesize that during pregnancy hCG stimulates excessive secretion of electrolytes (and fluid) into the upper GI tract, which culminates in the vomiting during pregnancy.
机译:离子流过质膜可能导致的流体通量状态发生在怀孕初期或滋养细胞疾病期间,表现为呕吐或妊娠呕吐或葡萄胎。在呕吐或妊娠剧吐中,体液制剂诱导的过度分泌可能通过扩张和激活胃肠道机械感受器而引发呕吐。该药剂可以是人绒毛膜促性腺激素(hCG)。在雌性大鼠的十二指肠和胰腺中发现了与卵巢相似的高亲和力hCG结合位点,解离常数分别为0.11 +/- 0.02、1.9 +/- 0.6和4.7 +/- 3.5 nM。十二指肠和卵巢蛋白的等电点为5.5。通过使用两种针对促肾上腺素受体氨基酸残基24-33和239-249的抗血清,在酶原中的平滑肌,布鲁纳氏腺,副交感神经节,隐窝细胞和十二指肠血管中均观察到阳性免疫组织化学染色。腺泡状颗粒,以及胰腺小叶内导管和血管中。在非还原条件下,通过蛋白质印迹分析,在胰腺,十二指肠和卵巢中发现了150 kDa和170 kDa的蛋白质。体内给予雌性大鼠hCG导致十二指肠和胰腺的HCO-3和K +分泌显着增加。我们假设在怀孕期间,hCG会刺激电解质(和液体)过度分泌到上消化道,最终导致怀孕期间的呕吐。



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