首页> 外文期刊>American Journal of Physiology >Increased expansion of the lung stimulates calmodulin 2 expression in fetal sheep.

Increased expansion of the lung stimulates calmodulin 2 expression in fetal sheep.


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Obstruction of the fetal trachea causes the lungs to expand with accumulated liquid. Although this is a potent stimulus for lung growth, the mechanisms involved are unknown. Our aim was to identify genes that are differentially expressed as a result of increased fetal lung expansion. Using differential display RT-PCR, we isolated a cDNA fragment partially encoding calmodulin 2 (CALM2) and identified the remainder of the coding region by 5'-rapid amplification of cDNA ends. Differential expression of CALM2 was confirmed by Northern blot analysis; CALM2 mRNA levels were increased to 161 +/- 5% of control at 2 days of increased lung expansion, induced by tracheal obstruction (TO), and had returned to control levels at days 4 and 10. Using in situ hybridization analysis, we found that the proportion of CALM2-labeled cells increased from 10.3 +/- 1.0% to 21.4 +/- 6.8% by 2 days of TO. This increase in CALM2 expression was reflected by a tendency for calmodulin protein levels to increase from 122.7 +/- 17.3 to 156.5 +/- 17.7 at 2 days of TO. Thus increases in fetal lung expansion result in time-dependent changes in CALM2 mRNA levels, which closely parallels the changes in lung DNA synthesis rates. As calmodulin is essential for cell proliferation, increased CALM2 mRNA levels may reflect an important role for calmodulin in expansion-induced fetal lung growth.
机译:胎儿气管阻塞会导致肺部积聚液体扩张。尽管这是对肺生长的有效刺激,但其机制尚不清楚。我们的目的是鉴定由于胎儿肺扩张增加而差异表达的基因。使用差异显示RT-PCR,我们分离了部分编码钙调蛋白2(CALM2)的cDNA片段,并通过cDNA末端的5'快速扩增鉴定了编码区的其余部分。通过Northern印迹分析证实CALM2的差异表达。在气管阻塞(TO)诱导下,肺扩张增加2天时,CALM2 mRNA水平增加至对照的161 +/- 5%,并在第4天和第10天恢复至对照水平。我们发现到TO 2天时,CALM2标记的细胞比例从10.3 +/- 1.0%增加到21.4 +/- 6.8%。钙调蛋白蛋白水平从TO到第2天从122.7 +/- 17.3增加到156.5 +/- 17.7的趋势反映了CALM2表达的增加。因此,胎儿肺扩张的增加导致CALM2 mRNA水平的时间依赖性变化,这与肺DNA合成速率的变化非常相似。由于钙调蛋白对于细胞增殖至关重要,因此增加的CALM2 mRNA水平可能反映钙调蛋白在扩张诱导的胎儿肺生长中的重要作用。



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