首页> 外文期刊>American Journal of Physiology >Substance P receptor expression in intestinal epithelium in clostridium difficile toxin A enteritis in rats.

Substance P receptor expression in intestinal epithelium in clostridium difficile toxin A enteritis in rats.


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We previously reported that the inflammatory effects of Clostridium difficile toxin A on rat intestine can be significantly inhibited with a specific neurokinin-1 receptor (NK-1R) antagonist. In this study we investigated the localization and expression of NK-1R mRNA and protein in rat intestine by in situ hybridization, Northern blot analysis, and immunohistochemistry, respectively, after exposure to toxin A. Northern blot analysis showed increased mucosal levels of NK-1R mRNA starting 30 min after toxin A administration. In situ hybridization showed that toxin A increased NK-1R mRNA expression in intestinal epithelial cells after 30, 120, and 180 min. In rats pretreated with the NK-1R antagonist CP-96345 the increase in NK-1R mRNA levels after exposure to toxin A was inhibited, indicating that NK-1R upregulation is substance P (SP) dependent. One hour after exposure to toxin A many of the intestinal epithelial cells showed staining for NK-1R compared with controls. Specific 125I-SP binding to purified epithelial cell membranes obtained from ileum exposed to toxin A for 15 min was increased twofold over control and persisted for 4 h. This report provides evidence that NK-1R expression is increased in the intestinal epithelium shortly after exposure to toxin A and may be important in toxin A-induced inflammation.
机译:我们先前曾报道,使用特定的神经激肽-1受体(NK-1R)拮抗剂可以显着抑制艰难梭菌毒素A对大鼠肠道的炎症作用。在这项研究中,我们分别通过暴露于毒素A后的原位杂交,Northern印迹分析和免疫组织化学研究了NK-1R mRNA和蛋白在大鼠肠道中的定位和表达。Northern印迹分析显示NK-1R的粘膜水平增加施用毒素A后30分钟开始mRNA表达。原位杂交表明,毒素A增加了30、120和180分钟后肠上皮细胞中NK-1R mRNA的表达。在用NK-1R拮抗剂CP-96345预处理的大鼠中,接触毒素A后NK-1R mRNA水平的升高被抑制,这表明NK-1R上调是P物质(SP)依赖性的。暴露于毒素A一小时后,与对照相比,许多肠上皮细胞显示NK-1R染色。与暴露于毒素A 15分钟的回肠获得的纯化的上皮细胞膜的特异性125 I-SP结合比对照增加了两倍,并持续了4 h。该报告提供了证据,表明NK-1R表达在接触毒素A后不久在肠上皮中增加,并且可能在毒素A诱导的炎症中很重要。



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