首页> 外文期刊>American Journal of Physiology >Transfer function analysis of dynamic cerebral autoregulation in humans.

Transfer function analysis of dynamic cerebral autoregulation in humans.


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To test the hypothesis that spontaneous changes in cerebral blood flow are primarily induced by changes in arterial pressure and that cerebral autoregulation is a frequency-dependent phenomenon, we measured mean arterial pressure in the finger and mean blood flow velocity in the middle cerebral artery (VMCA) during supine rest and acute hypotension induced by thigh cuff deflation in 10 healthy subjects. Transfer function gain, phase, and coherence function between changes in arterial pressure and VMCA were estimated using the Welch method. The impulse response function, calculated as the inverse Fourier transform of this transfer function, enabled the calculation of transient changes in VMCA during acute hypotension, which was compared with the directly measured change in VMCA during thigh cuff deflation. Beat-to-beat changes in VMCA occurred simultaneously with changes in arterial pressure, and the autospectrum of VMCA showed characteristics similar to arterial pressure. Transfer gain increased substantially with increasing frequency from 0.07 to 0.20 Hz in association with a gradual decrease in phase. The coherence function was > 0.5 in the frequency range of 0.07-0.30 Hz and < 0.5 at < 0.07 Hz. Furthermore, the predicted change in VMCA was similar to the measured VMCA during thigh cuff deflation. These data suggest that spontaneous changes in VMCA that occur at the frequency range of 0.07-0.30 Hz are related strongly to changes in arterial pressure and, furthermore, that short-term regulation of cerebral blood flow in response to changes in arterial pressure can be modeled by a transfer function with the quality of a high-pass filter in the frequency range of 0.07-0.30 Hz.
机译:为了检验以下假设:大脑血流的自发性变化主要是由动脉压的变化引起的,并且大脑自动调节是一种频率依赖性现象,我们测量了手指的平均动脉压和大脑中动脉的平均血流速度(VMCA )10位健康受试者的大腿袖带放气引起的仰卧休息和急性低血压期间。使用Welch方法估算动脉压和VMCA变化之间的传递函数增益,相位和相干函数。作为该传递函数的傅立叶逆变换计算出的冲激响应函数可以计算急性低血压期间VMCA的瞬时变化,并将其与大袖套放气期间VMCA的直接测量值进行比较。 VMCA的逐搏变化与动脉压变化同时发生,VMCA的自动频谱显示出与动脉压相似的特征。随着频率从0.07到0.20 Hz的增加,传输增益随着相位的逐渐减小而显着增加。相干函数在0.07-0.30 Hz的频率范围内> 0.5,在<0.07 Hz的情况下<0.5。此外,在大腿袖带放气期间,VMCA的预测变化与测得的VMCA相似。这些数据表明,在0.07-0.30 Hz频率范围内发生的VMCA自发变化与动脉压变化密切相关,此外,可以模拟响应于动脉压变化的脑血流量的短期调节在0.07-0.30 Hz频率范围内具有高通滤波器质量的传递函数。



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