首页> 外文期刊>American Journal of Physiology >Ca(2+) signaling and membrane potential in descending vasa recta pericytes and endothelia.

Ca(2+) signaling and membrane potential in descending vasa recta pericytes and endothelia.


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We devised a method for removal of pericytes from isolated descending vasa recta (DVR). After enzymatic digestion, aspiration of a descending vas rectum into a micropipette strips the pericytes from the abluminal surface. Pericytes and denuded endothelia can be recovered for separate study. Using fura 2-loaded preparations, we demonstrated that 10 nM angiotensin II (ANG II) elevates pericyte intracellular Ca(2+) concentration ([Ca(2+)](i)) and suppresses endothelial [Ca(2+)](i). The anion transport blocker probenecid helps retain fura 2 in the pericyte cytoplasm. DVR endothelia were accessed for membrane potential measurement by perforated-patch whole cell recording by using the pericyte-stripping technique and by turning nondigested vessels inside out with concentric micropipettes. By either method of access, 10 nM ANG II depolarized (n = 20) and 100 nM bradykinin hyperpolarized (n = 25) the endothelia. We conclude that isolated endothelia and pericytes remain functional for study of [Ca(2+)](i) responses and that ANG II and bradykinin receptors exist separately on each cell type.
机译:我们设计了一种方法,用于从孤立的降支血管直肠(DVR)去除周细胞。酶消化后,将降落的直肠直肠抽吸到微量移液管中,从房腔表面剥离周细胞。可以回收周细胞和剥脱的内皮,以进行单独研究。使用呋喃2加载的制剂,我们证明了10 nM血管紧张素II(ANG II)升高了细胞周细胞内Ca(2+)的浓度([Ca(2 +)](i))并抑制了内皮细胞[Ca(2 +)](一世)。阴离子转运阻断剂丙磺舒有助于将呋喃2保留在周细胞质中。通过使用周细胞剥离技术并通过使用同心微量移液管将未消化的血管向内翻转,通过穿孔斑块全细胞记录来访问DVR内皮以进行膜电位测量。通过任何一种进入方法,内皮均会发生10 nM ANG II去极化(n = 20)和100 nM缓激肽超极化(n = 25)。我们得出结论,孤立的内皮细胞和周细胞仍可用于[Ca(2 +)](i)反应的研究,并且ANG II和缓激肽受体分别存在于每种细胞类型上。



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