首页> 外文期刊>ACS applied materials & interfaces >Highly Reliable Silver Nanowire Transparent Electrode Employing Selectively Patterned Barrier Shaped by Self-Masked Photolithography

Highly Reliable Silver Nanowire Transparent Electrode Employing Selectively Patterned Barrier Shaped by Self-Masked Photolithography


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The transparent electrode based on silver nanowire (AgNW) networks is one promising alternative of indium tin oxide film in particular for advanced flexible and printable electronics. However, the widespread application of AgNW electrode is hindered by its poor long-term reliability. Although the reliability can be improved by applying traditional overcoating layer or the core shell structure, the transmittance or conductivity is inevitably undermined. In this paper, a novel patterned barrier of photoresist in situ assembled on the nanowire surface realized the reliability enhancement by simply employing AgNWs themselves as the mask in the photolithography process. The patterned barrier selectively covered the nanowires, while keeping the high transmittance and conductivity unchanged and improving the adhesion of AgNW networks on substrate. After 720 h storage in 85 degrees C/85% relative humidity (RH) environment, the resistance of electrode with patterned barrier only increased by 0.72 times. This study proposes a new way, i.e., the in situ patterned barrier containing light-sensitive substance, to selectively protect AgNW networks, which can be expanded to various metallic networks including nanowires, nanorods, nanocables, electrospun nanofibers, and so on.
机译:基于银纳米线(AgNW)网络的透明电极是铟锡氧化物薄膜的一种有前途的替代方法,特别是对于先进的柔性和可印刷电子产品而言。但是,AgNW电极的长期可靠性差,阻碍了其广泛应用。尽管可以通过应用传统的外涂层或核壳结构来提高可靠性,但不可避免地会降低透射率或导电率。在本文中,通过在光刻过程中简单地将AgNWs本身用作掩模,在纳米线表面上原位组装的新型光刻胶图案化阻挡层实现了可靠性的提高。图案化的阻挡层选择性覆盖纳米线,同时保持高透射率和导电率不变,并改善AgNW网络在基板上的附着力。在85摄氏度/ 85%相对湿度(RH)的环境中存放720小时后,带有图案化势垒的电极的电阻仅增加了0.72倍。这项研究提出了一种新方法,即包含光敏物质的原位图案化阻挡层,以选择性地保护AgNW网络,该网络可以扩展到各种金属网络,包括纳米线,纳米棒,纳米电缆,电纺纳米纤维等。



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