首页> 外文期刊>ACS applied materials & interfaces >Knitted Strain Sensor Textiles of Highly Conductive All-Polymeric Fibers

Knitted Strain Sensor Textiles of Highly Conductive All-Polymeric Fibers


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A scaled-up fiber wet-spinning production of electrically conductive and highly stretchable PU/PEDOT:PSS fibers is demonstrated for the first time. The PU/PEDOT:PSS fibers possess the mechanical properties appropriate for knitting various textile structures. The knitted textiles exhibit strain sensing properties that were dependent upon the number of PU/PEDOT:PSS fibers used in knitting. The knitted textiles show sensitivity (as measured by the gauge factor) that increases with the number of PU/PEDOT:PSS fibers deployed. A highly stable sensor response was observed when four PU/PEDOT:PSS fibers were co-knitted with a commercial Spandex yarn. The knitted textile sensor can distinguish different magnitudes of applied strain with cyclically repeatable sensor responses at applied strains of up to 160%. When used in conjunction with a commercial wireless transmitter, the knitted textile responded well to the magnitude of bending deformations, demonstrating potential for remote strain sensing applications. The feasibility of an all-polymeric knitted textile wearable strain sensor was demonstrated in a knee sleeve prototype with application in personal training and rehabilitation following injury.
机译:首次展示了导电性和高拉伸性PU / PEDOT:PSS纤维的按比例放大的纤维湿纺生产。 PU / PEDOT:PSS纤维具有适合编织各种纺织结构的机械性能。针织纺织品表现出应变感测特性,该特性取决于用于针织的PU / PEDOT:PSS纤维的数量。针织纺织品显示出的灵敏度(通过规格因子测量)随部署的PU / PEDOT:PSS纤维数量的增加而增加。当将四根PU / PEDOT:PSS纤维与商品氨纶纱共编织时,观察到了高度稳定的传感器响应。编织的纺织品传感器可以在高达160%的施加应变时,通过循环可重复的传感器响应来区分施加应变的不同幅度。当与商用无线发射器结合使用时,针织物对弯曲变形的大小响应良好,证明了在远程应变传感应用中的潜力。在膝盖袖口原型中证明了全聚合物针织纺织品可穿戴应变传感器的可行性,并将其应用于受伤后的个人训练和康复。



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