首页> 外文期刊>American journal of psychiatry >The role of benzodiazepines in treating social anxiety disorder

The role of benzodiazepines in treating social anxiety disorder


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BACKGROUND: Evidence linking violence against women and HIV has grown, including on the cycle of violence and the links between violence against children and women. To create an effective response to the HIV epidemic, it is key to prevent sexual violence against children and intimate partner violence (IPV) against adolescent girls. METHODS: Authors analyzed data from national household surveys on violence against children undertaken by governments in Swaziland, Tanzania, Kenya, and Zimbabwe, with support of the Together for Girls initiative, as well as an analysis of evidence on effective programmes. RESULTS: Data show that sexual and physical violence in childhood are linked to negative health outcomes, including increased sexual risk taking (eg, inconsistent condom use and increased number of sexual partners), and that girls begin experiencing IPV (emotional, physical, and sexual) during adolescence. Evidence on effective programmes addressing childhood sexual violence is growing. Key interventions focus on increasing knowledge among children and caregivers by addressing attitudes and practices around violence, including dating relationships. Programmes also seek to build awareness of services available for children who experience violence. DISCUSSION: Findings include incorporating attention to children into HIV and violence programmes directed to adults; increased coordination and leveraging of resources between these programmes; test transferability of programmes in low- and middle-income countries; and invest in data collection and robust evaluations of interventions to prevent sexual violence and IPV among children. CONCLUSIONS: This article contributes to a growing body of evidence on the prevention of sexual violence and HIV in children.
机译:背景:将暴力侵害妇女行为与艾滋病毒联系起来的证据越来越多,包括暴力的循环以及暴力侵害儿童和妇女行为之间的联系。为了有效应对艾滋病毒的流行,关键是要防止针对儿童的性暴力和针对少女的亲密伴侣暴力(IPV)。方法:作者分析了在斯威士兰,坦桑尼亚,肯尼亚和津巴布韦政府在“一起为女孩”倡议的支持下进行的关于对儿童的暴力行为的全国家庭调查的数据,并分析了有效方案的证据。结果:数据表明,儿童时期的性暴力和肢体暴力与负面的健康后果相关,包括增加的性冒险(例如,使用安全套不一致和性伴侣数量增加),并且女孩开始经历IPV(情绪,身体和性暴力) )在青春期。解决儿童性暴力的有效方案的证据越来越多。关键干预措施的重点是通过解决有关暴力行为的态度和做法,包括约会关系,来增加儿童和照顾者的知识。计划还旨在提高人们对遭受暴力儿童可用服务的认识。讨论:研究结果包括将对儿童的关注纳入针对成年人的艾滋病毒和暴力计划;这些计划之间加强了资源的协调和利用;在中低收入国家测试计划的可移植性;并投资于数据收集和强有力的干预措施评估,以防止儿童遭受性暴力和IPV。结论:本文为预防儿童性暴力和艾滋病毒提供了越来越多的证据。



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