
Sabina Spielrein.

机译:Sabina Spielrein。

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In November 1885 Sabina Spielrein was born in Rostov-on-Don, Russia, into the family of a businessman (Nikolai) and his dentist wife (Eva). She was a brilliant student, but in 1904, soon after she finished high school, she was dropped off by her uncle and a medical police officer at the Burgholzli Psychiatric Clinic in Zurich, headed by Eugen Bleuler (1). Her hospital records noted, "The patient laughs and cries in a strangely mixed, compulsive manner, ... masses of tics, rotating head, sticks out her tongue, legs, twitching" (2). The notes were written by a newly qualified Carl Gustav Jung, who diagnosed her as having psychotic hysteria on the basis of her difficult childhood, characterized by a "painful love" with her father. In a late letter to Freud, Jung wrote, "The physical chastisements administered to the patient's posterior by her father from the age of four until seven had unfortunately become associated with the patient's premature and now highly developed sexual awareness" (2). The therapeutic effect of the psychoanalysis exceeded all Jung's expectations, and they fell in love: "During treatment the patient had the misfortune to fall in love with me" (2). It is unknown whether Jung had sexual intercourse with his "little girl" (3) or if it was only a platonic "nonerotic love in the therapeutic relationship" (4). Whatever the truth, 5 years of increasingly intense relations followed, until 1909 (1), when Jung retired from Burgholzli (5). He later claimed that he maintained contact with her only because he "feared a relapse." Nevertheless, the transference romance was characterized by poison-pen letters, talks, correspondence, visits, accusations and counter-accusations, excuses, and rumors (2), with a clear breach of the doctor-patient boundary (4). Additionally, Spielrein entered into correspondence with Freud in 1909 and in so doing aggravated the already complex relationship between Jung and Freud (2).
机译:1885年11月,Sabina Spielrein出生于俄罗斯顿河畔罗斯托夫的一个商人(Nikolai)和他的牙医妻子(Eva)一家。她曾是一个出色的学生,但在1904年高中毕业后不久,她就被叔叔和苏黎世Burgholzli精神病学诊所的医务警察送下了车,由Eugen Bleuler领导(1)。她的医院记录指出:“患者以一种奇怪的混合,强迫性的方式笑着哭泣,……抽动的抽动,头部旋转,伸出舌头,腿,抽搐”(2)。这些笔记是由刚获得资格的卡尔·古斯塔夫·荣格(Carl Gustav Jung)撰写的,他根据她艰难的童年就诊断出患有精神病性歇斯底里,其特征是与父亲的“痛苦之爱”。在给弗洛伊德的一封晚信中,荣格写道:“不幸的是,从四岁到七岁的父亲对病人的后肢进行的物理性st割与病人的早产和现在高度发达的性意识有关”(2)。精神分析的治疗效果超出了荣格的所有期望,他们坠入了爱河:“在治疗过程中,患者不幸遇上了我”(2)。尚不知道荣格是否与他的“小女孩”发生性关系(3),或者仅仅是柏拉图式的“治疗关系中的性爱”(4)。不管真相如何,长达5年的紧张关系一直持续到1909年(1),荣格(Jung)从伯格霍尔兹利(5)退休。他后来声称,他与她保持联系只是因为他“害怕复发”。然而,移情恋爱的特征是用毒笔,谈话,信件,探视,指控和反指控,借口和谣言(2),明显违反医患界限(4)。此外,斯皮尔瑞因(Spielrein)于1909年与弗洛伊德(Freud)往来,这加剧了荣格与弗洛伊德之间已经很复杂的关系(2)。



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