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Evaluation of heart tissue viability under redox-magnetohydrodynamics conditions: Toward fine-tuning flow in biological microfluidics applications


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A microfluidic system containing a chamber for heart tissue biopsies, perfused with Krebs-Henseleit buffer containing glucose and antibiotic (KHGB) using peristaltic pumps and continuously stimulated, was used to evaluate tissue viability under redox-magnetohydrodynamics (redox-MHD) conditions. Redox-MHD possesses unique capabilities to control fluid flow using ionic current from oxidation and reduction processes at electrodes in a magnetic field, making it attractive to fine-tune fluid flow around tissues for "tissue-on-a-chip" applications. The manuscript describes a parallel setup to study two tissue samples simultaneously, and 6-min static incubation with Triton X100. Tissue viability was subsequently determined by assaying perfusate for lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) activity, where LDH serves as an injury marker. Incubation with KHGB containing 5mM hexaammineruthenium(III) (ruhex) redox species with and without a pair of NdFeB magnets (~0.39T, placed parallel to the chamber) exhibited no additional tissue insult. MHD fluid flow, viewed by tracking microbeads with microscopy, occurred only when the magnet was present and stimulating electrodes were activated. Pulsating MHD flow with a frequency similar to the stimulating waveform was superimposed over thermal convection (from a hotplate) for Triton-KHGB, but fluid speed was up to twice as fast for ruhex-Triton-KHGB. A large transient ionic current, achieved when switching on the stimulating electrodes, generates MHD perturbations visible over varying peristaltic flow. The well-controlled flow methodology of redox-MHD is applicable to any tissue type, being useful in various drug uptake and toxicity studies, and can be combined equally with on- or off-device analysis modalities.
机译:一个微流体系统包含一个用于心脏组织活检的腔室,并使用蠕动泵灌注了含有葡萄糖和抗生素(KHGB)的Krebs-Henseleit缓冲液,并对其进行了连续刺激,以评估组织在氧化还原-磁流体动力学(redox-MHD)条件下的生存能力。氧化还原-MHD拥有独特的功能,可利用磁场中电极上的氧化和还原过程产生的离子电流控制离子流,使其对于“芯片上组织”应用中的组织周围流体微调具有吸引力。手稿描述了一种平行设置,可同时研究两个组织样本,并与Triton X100进行6分钟静态孵育。随后通过测定灌注液中的乳酸脱氢酶(LDH)活性来确定组织活力,其中LDH用作损伤标记。用含有和不含一对NdFeB磁体(〜0.39T,平行于腔室)的含5mM六氨合钌(III)(ruhex)氧化还原物质的KHGB进行温育时,没有发现额外的组织损伤。用显微镜跟踪微珠观察到的MHD流体流仅在存在磁铁并激活刺激电极时发生。 Triton-KHGB的脉动MHD流量与刺激波形相似的频率叠加在热对流上(来自热板),但是ruhex-Triton-KHGB的流体速度快两倍。接通刺激电极时获得的大瞬态离子电流会在变化的蠕动流中产生可见的MHD扰动。氧化还原-MHD的良好控制的流动方法学适用于任何组织类型,可用于各种药物吸收和毒性研究,并且可以与设备上或设备外的分析方式同等地结合。



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