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Electrical prospecting for seasonal frozen ground


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It is important to grasp freeze-thaw process and frozen depth for disaster prevention or agriculture in cold districts. Therefore, we studied the efficient survey technique for frozen ground using electrical prospecting. First, we investigated the dependence of apparent resistivity on ground temperature and the relationship between unfrozen water and temperature in our laboratory. Next, real-time electrical prospecting equipment was developed and a long-term resistivity monitoring was carried out at the frozen ground in Obihiro University, Hokkaido. Finally, each phase of the freeze-thaw process was considered by classifying the curves of normalized apparent resistivity into six types (H, Q, K, K1, A, A1). The results of our study are as follows. (1) The soil resistivity increases as the temperature decreases. Especially it becomes high rapidly at a temperature less than 0 degree. This is because the resistivity is deeply related to the amount of unfrozen-water in soil. (2) The normalized apparent resistivity curves change when the events of the freeze-thaw process occur. Two types of apparent resistivity curves are intermingled when the curve changes. Therefore it is easy to estimate the freeze-thaw process using the normalized apparent resistivity curves. (3) There is the correlation between the frost penetration rate and the slop of normalized apparent resistivity curve in a cold area without snow cover. The slop is almost the same if the frost depth is the same, even if the ground temperature is different. So we deduced the equation that calculates the frost depth from the slop of the curve for each type of six curves.
机译:重要的是要掌握冻融过程和寒冷地区灾害预防或农业的冻结深度。因此,我们研究了使用电力勘探的冻结地面的有效调查技术。首先,我们调查了表观电阻率对地温度的依赖性以及我们实验室中的未冷热水和温度之间的关系。接下来,开发了实时电力勘探设备,在北海道奥波罗大学的冻结地面进行了长期电阻率监测。最后,通过将归一化表观电阻率的曲线分类为六种类型(H,Q,K,K1,A,A1)来考虑冻融过程的每相。我们研究的结果如下。 (1)由于温度降低,土壤电阻率增加。特别是在低于0度的温度下快速变得高。这是因为电阻率与土壤中的联接水量深入相关。 (2)当发生冻融过程的事件发生时,归一化表观电阻率曲线变化。当曲线发生变化时,两种类型的表观电阻率曲线都是混合的。因此,易于使用归一化表观电阻率曲线估计冻融过程。 (3)霜渗透速率与冰荫处的常规表观电阻率曲线之间存在相关性,没有雪覆盖。如果霜深度是相同的,则斜坡几乎是相同的,即使地温度不同。因此,我们推断了从曲线曲线的曲线的斜面计算霜深度的等式。



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