首页> 外文期刊>American journal of psychiatry >Treatment With Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors During Pregnancy: Deceleration of Weight Gain Because of Depression or Drug?

Treatment With Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors During Pregnancy: Deceleration of Weight Gain Because of Depression or Drug?


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In 1996, Chambers and colleagues (1) reported that exposure to fluoxetine in the third trimester of pregnancy was associated with an increased risk of preterm birth, small-for-gestational-age infants, admission to special care nurseries, and poor neonatal adaptation, including respiratory difficulty, cyanosis on feeding, and jitteriness. This landmark article generated substantial concern among clini- cians that third-trimester exposure to fluoxetine (and potentially other selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors [SSRIs]) was contributing to adverse outcomes in pregnancy. Of interest, no adverse effects from first-trimester exposure were observed. The offspring of women who discontinued fluoxetine before 25 weeks' gestation had neonatal outcomes that were similar to those of comparison subjects. Similarly, in a study of maternity hospital discharge and pharmacy records, Simon et al. (2) reported that exposure to SSRIs was associated with a 0.9-week decrease in mean gestational age, a 175-g decrease in mean birth weight, and a 0.29 decrease in mean APGAR score 5 minutes after birth. The differences in birth weights and APGAR scores were not significant after adjustment for gestational age. Less favorable APGAR scores were limited to those with third-trimester exposure. Neither tricyclic antidepressant nor SSRI exposure was significantly associated with congenital malformations or developmental delay. There were no differences in infant outcome among tricyclic-exposed infants compared to unexposed newborns, which suggested a specific effect of the SSRI rather than maternal depression. In infants born to women treated with antidepres-sants throughout pregnancy, CNS, motor, respiratory, and gastrointestinal signs that are usually mild and subside by 2 weeks of age have been reported (3, 4). This neonatal behavioral syndrome resulted in the Food and Drug Administration's (FDA's) recommendation for inclusion of this risk in the labeling of these agents.
机译:钱伯斯(Chambers)及其同事(1)在1996年报告说,在妊娠晚期,氟西汀的暴露与早产,小胎龄婴儿,进入特殊护理托儿所以及新生儿适应不良的风险增加有关,包括呼吸困难,进食时发和发抖。这篇具有里程碑意义的文章引起了临床医生的极大关注,即孕晚期妊娠接触氟西汀(以及可能的其他选择性5-羟色胺再摄取抑制剂[SSRIs])会导致妊娠的不良后果。有趣的是,未观察到孕早期暴露的不良反应。在妊娠25周之前停用氟西汀的妇女的后代具有与比较对象相似的新生儿结局。同样,在对孕妇医院出院和药房记录的研究中,Simon等。 (2)报告说,出生后5分钟,SSRIs暴露与平均胎龄减少0.9周,平均出生体重减少175-g,平均APGAR得分减少0.29有关。调整胎龄后,出生体重和APGAR得分的差异不显着。不利的APGAR评分仅限于妊娠晚期的患者。三环类抗抑郁药和SSRI暴露均与先天性畸形或发育延迟均无显着相关性。三环暴露的婴儿与未暴露的婴儿相比,婴儿结局没有差异,这表明SSRI的特异性作用而非母体抑郁。据报道,在整个妊娠期间接受抗抑郁药治疗的妇女所生婴儿中,中枢神经系统,运动,呼吸和胃肠道症状通常较轻,并在两周龄之前消退(3、4)。这种新生儿行为综合症导致了美国食品药品监督管理局(FDA)的建议,要求将这些风险纳入这些药物的标签中。



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